Will You Marry Me?

After a long flight, Zhi Ruo and Lin Xia finally landed in Japan, Tokyo.

A skinny man holding a bright yellow neon poster enthusiastically waved at Zhi Ruo and Lin Xia.

" President Zhi! It's a pleasure to meet you! I am Micheal! I am a professional translator and a tourist guide. I will be with you throughout your whole trip here in Japan! " the skinny man presented himself as he held out his hand to shake Zhi Ruo's.

" Hmm. We will be in your care. " Zhi Ruo nonchalantly shook his hand.

Micheal then introduced himself to Lin Xia.

" Then we'll go to the hotel first, the car is already waiting for you! " Michael said.

" Lead the way. " Zhi Ruo simply answered.


Back in China.

" Are you sure that she can be trusted? In Wang Yong' state, I am really scared that she'll take advantage of him..." a worried voice sounded from Jiang Boxi's phone.

" Don't worry! She is a very responsible person and furthermore, she is a very rich pretty heiress so there is absolutely no way that she takes advantage of him! She already has everything! " Jiang Boxi confidently said.

" But Wang Yong is- " the voice urged his insecurities.

" I said don't worry! If she makes a move on him, she'll be called a pedophile and I am sure she doesn't want that! So relax and go do your things! " Jiang Boxi answered.

" Fine...if you say so..." the voice trailed off a bit before cutting the line.


" And here is our very famous section of cosmetics and skin care products that are completely unique in Japan! " Micheal translated the words of the director from the Tokyo branch of Z Empire.

" Hmm. " Zhi Ruo merely nodded before gesturing Lin Xia to follow her with their shopping cart.

Zhi Ruo casually purged the section of skincare and cosmetics as she dumped all types of products in the shopping cart, several packets of the same item.

Seeing the mighty president buying so many things without even looking at the price tag made Micheal gulp down: Wow! The president is so overwhelmingly rich!

After paying for the two carts of products, Zhi Ruo continued to look around in the mall and bought herself her favourites candies from Japan that she often had in her last life.

Like an overbearing boss, Zhi Ruo casually strolled around in the very fancy mall like she was walking in her garden while eating some candies. The director, Micheal and Lin Xia could only helplessly follow the big boss in her afternoon walk.

Zhi Ruo was already used to spending money in her last life as she lived a very comfortable lifestyle in her past life but now that she had even more money, Zhi Ruo felt like not using that money would be a total waste so she grandly spent her money!


Zhi Ruo collided with something but the impact wasn't big so she didn't get hurt. As she looked down to look at the cause, Zhi Ruo locked eyes with a pair of light blue eyes.

A very beautiful pair of eyes from a very very very very... cute bun!

Zhi Ruo calmly helped the little toddler up and observed him curiously, " Are you okay? "

The little bun had teary eyes and was on the verge of crying.

The little bun rubbed his red eyes to take a clearer look at Zhi Ruo and was instantly stunned. The girl in front of him was an exquisite beauty and the little toddler thought that she was an angel.

" Un ange? " the bun who barely looked four years old looked at her in awe. ( an angel? )

Hearing his statement, Zhi Ruo's lip curved upwards.

" Which language is he talking in? " Lin Xia suddenly intervened as she looked at the white bun.

" I think it's French but I don't know how to speak this language..." Micheal awkwardly scratched his head in embarrassment.

He knew five languages but French wasn't one of them.

" It's very close to English right? " Lin Xia questioned.

" Right! Wait let me try! " Micheal crouched down and approached the little boy.

" Bonjour! Comment allez-vous? " Micheal spoke in broken French. ( Hello, how are you doing? "

" Tu parles français? " the little toddler raised his head, his eyes full of hope.

" Hummmm...Oui? " Micheal couldn't understand anything.

" Oui, on parle français. Est-ce qu'on peut t'aider? " Zhi Ruo spoke in a perfect french, her tone calm and elegant. ( Yes, we speak french. Can we help you? )

" Super! Sais-tu où se trouvent mes grands-parents? " the little boy excitingly asked. ( Great! Do you know where my grandparents are? )

" Je suis désolée, je ne sais pas ils sont où. Par contre, je peux t'aider à les trouver. " Zhi Ruo proposed. ( I am sorry, I don't where they are. However, I can help you find them . )

Lin Xia and Micheal looked at each other in surprise: the president could speak french!

" Merci! Je m'appelle Liam et toi? " the little boy smiled in relief. ( Thank you! I am called Liam and you? )

" Enchanté Liam, je m'appelle Angelica. Viens, on va t'emmener au centre d'aide pour appeler tes grand-parents." Zhi Ruo continued in flawless French. ( Nice to meet you Liam, I am called Angela. Come, I'll bring you to the information center and we'll call your grandparents. )

" Merci! " Liam showed her a shy smile. ( Thank you! )

Zhi Ruo held his little chubby hand and started to walk towards the information center.

However, she instantly remarked that the little bun was already tired so she took the initiative to hold him up. " Es-tu fatigué? Veux-tu que je te portes? " ( Are you tired, do you want me to hold you up? )

" S'il-vous-plaît. " Liam shyly nodded his head. (Please)

Zhi Ruo happily bent down to scoop up the little soft bun and brought his small body near her chest.

" Tu peux dormir si tu veux, je te réveillerai lorsque nous serons arrivés." Zhi Ruo coaxingly said. ( You can sleep if you want, I'll wake you up when we arrive. )

The bun worriedly looked at her in hesitation.

"Ne t'inquiètes pas. On va trouver tes grand-parents rapidement. Je te le promets. " Zhi Ruo promised. ( Don't worry. We will find your grandparents rapidly. I promise you. )

Hearing this reassured Liam and he held out his pinky in demand of a pinky promise.

Zhi Ruo chuckled a bit before also holding out her pinky and hooking it with his.

The little bun felt relief wash over him and snuggled himself comfortably in Zhi Ruo's arm, immersed in her calming scent.

The director, Lin Xia and Micheal, once again, blindly followed Zhi Ruo, but this time deep awe were in their eyes


Half an hour later...

" Will you marry me? " Liam gave a lollipop to Zhi Ruo and demanded boldly.