Did You Sleep Well?

The next morning, Lea, the maid, rushingly knocked on Zhi Ruo's door, disturbing Zhi Ruo's beauty sleep.

Zhi Ruo groaned and slightly twisted her body to look at the clock 6:30 am.

Seeing that it was so early, Zhi Ruo complained in her mind and asked, " What? "

" There is an emergency Miss. " Lea said as she entered the room.

" What is it? " Zhi Ruo rubbed her sleepy eyes as she sat up, the blanket slipping off her snow-white shoulders.

" Xiao Yong has disappeared and is nowhere to be found. " Lea said as she raised her head and looked at Zhi Ruo.

Lea instantly remarked that around Zhi Ruo's small waist, a bronzed and muscled arm encircled it.

Lea gaped in shock and was flustered, ' The young mistress was sleeping with a man! '

" That's all I wanted to say. I'm sorry to have disturbed your sleep, please rest well. I will take my leave! " Lea lowered her head and immediately ran out of the room.

Zhi Ruo, who just woke up, was so confused by her strong reaction and remained daze even after the maid slammed the door and ran away.

This time it was Wang Yong's to be disturbed and he frowned as he discovered that his lovely body pillow was half missing.

Wang Yong furrowed his brows, still keeping his eyes shut and searched for Zhi Ruo's soft hand.

Finding his target, he promptly pulled her down and embraced her shoulders once more, burying his face near her.

" Don't move. " Wang Yong gently whined before his breathing was once more stable and he fell into a deep sleep again.

' This dude...' Zhi Ruo sighed in her head but she was also tired so she quickly snuggled up and also went back to sleep.


" So does Ruoruo know something? " Zhi Chao asked Lea.

" No, the Miss just woke up and didn't seem to know anything..." Lea trailed off her words.

" I feel like you have something to add. " Zhi Duyi wrinkled his forehead.

" Well...hum..." Lea slightly hesitated, bowing her head.

" Go on. " Zhi Chao said but didn't rush her.

" The young miss was sleeping with a man..." Lea abruptly confessed.

The whole family's eyes widened in shock.

" What?! " they all asked at the same time.


Not even twenty minutes later, the whole Zhi family barged into Zhi Ruo's room.

Hearing the loud bang of the door opening, Zhi Ruo and Wang Yong both jumped a bit.

" Zhi Ruo! " Zhi Duyi's grave voice sounded.

" What...? " Zhi Ruo exasperatedly sat up again.

And this time, the whole Zhi Family saw that Zhi Ruo was being held by a man and as Wang Yong's shirt was even lifted, the could slightly see his beautiful abs. However, his face was hidden by Zhi Ruo's back and they couldn't see the man's face.

" You brought a man home? " Hui Yin asked in disbelief.

Hui Yin was clearly not against it like her husband and her son and was actually pretty supportive that her daughter finally found someone that she liked. She just didn't think that her daughter would be so bold to bring him home.

Zhi Ruo was still drowsy and thought they were talking about Wang Yong so she nodded, " Yes? So what? "

" Zhi Ruo! " this time it was Zhi Chao who screamed: his sister has been sullied!

" Omg...what about it? Why are you all screaming so loud? You are going to wake him up..." Zhi Ruo fully needed her eight hours of sleep so she was still not very awake.

Zhi Ruo found herself a pillow to hug and rested her head on it while trying to listen to what all of this commotion was about.

" I do not approve of him! " Zhi Duyi instantly objected.

" Me neither! " Zhi Chao approved of his dad's opinion.

" What do you mean you don't approve of him? You met him yesterday and treated him like a son? " Zhi Ruo drowsily answered, not even looking up.

" What? Who did we meet yesterday? We just met Xiao Yong! " Hui Yin asked in curiosity.

Zhi Ruo finally came back to her sense and lifted her heavy head, "Yeah, you already met Xiao Yong so what are you complaining about? "

" Xiao Yong?! " Zhi Chao was momentarily confused before it clicked and he rushed near the bed to see Wang Yong's angelic face on the pillow next to Zhi Ruo, his arm hugging his sister's waist.

" What is he doing here?! " Zhi Chao exclaimed.

" He couldn't sleep alone yesterday so he ended up sleeping with me. " Zhi Ruo answered as she stretched like a lazy cat.

Zhi Duyi finally understood too and walked to the other side of the bed, " But you still shouldn't do that! "

" Why not? he is mentally six, he is like a child. " Zhi Ruo yawned.

Zhi Ruo then turned to the sleeping bear and naturally petted his hair, " Xiao Yong, it's morning. It's time to wake up. "

Zhi Ruo gently coaxed and the boy unwillingly got up.

He momentarily let go of her waist to get up but the moment he sat up on the bed, he instantly hugged Zhi Ruo again.

" Good morning, Xiao Yong, did you sleep well? " Zhi Ruo lightly chuckled.

In her mind, it was like Wang Yong had never been a man and was only a child. Even she got surprised by how close they were.

" Hmm. Good morning. Thanks to you, I slept very well, your body was very soft..." Wang Yong mumbled.

His handsome face greatly contrasting his childlike actions.

Hearing his declaration, the whole Zhi family's eyes popped out: what he said was so misleading!

However, behind them was someone with an even more excessive expression. His whole surroundings turned into a bone-chilling temperature and his anger was on the brink of overflowing.

Li Wei arrived just at the moment Wang Yong had pronounced that phrase and his whole person turned violent.

' His woman was sleeping with another man?!?! '