What did I do wrong?!

Looking at himself in the mirror, Li Wei almost couldn't recognize his face. Blonde wig, blue contacts and a little makeup changed his face.

He heard that Zhi Ruo was going to an adoption center to spend times with the kids and as he felt a sudden urge to see her, he decided to also go as a volunteer just to try and spend a little time with her as he knew that she would be extremely unfavourable to his normal personality.

" President, are you leaving? " his assistant bowed his head and asked.

" Yes, I'll be back in a few hours. " Li Wei told his assistant, picking up his car keys.


Li Wei's palms were starting to turn sweaty as Zhi Ruo was literally scrutinizing his face.

' This dude seems very familiar...' Zhi Ruo pondered, unaware that she was making Li Wei stress like crazy.

" Thank you to all volunteers that have come, especially Miss Zhi, it is an honour to have you among us. " the lady who organized the event said.

Zhi Ruo finally shifted her gaze away from the western man and smiled back, " It is my pleasure. "

" Then let's debut the activity. " the lady led the way to the playing room where the children were playing games.

To fit in better, Zhi Ruo decided to change into a pair of pale jeans with a white crop top, she looked extremely young and lively.

The lady explained a few instructions and precautions before matching each kid with a volunteer. The volunteers were a small group of barely 20 people but there were more than 40 children so each volunteer had two or three children.

They were supposed to play with them or help them do homework.

Zhi Ruo calmly approached her group and lightly smiled as she made a quick analyze.

She had a little girl that was barely five with big brown eyes, two small boys: one looked like a cute puppy while the other one looked a bit cold.

The three of them were holding hands like their dear life was holding onto it.

Zhi Ruo bent down to face them and introduced herself, "Hi, I am Zhi Ruo. I look forward to playing with you. "

" Are you trying to separate us? " one of the small boys said in an angry tone.

Zhi Ruo blinked a few times before chuckling, it made her remember the time she was in the orphanage too where she had one big brother that would always protect her.

" Yes! I am a big bad monster! " Zhi Ruo smirked before tickling their tummy.

She tried to tickle all of them at the same time and all three of them started giggling except the one who asked the question who was trying very hard not to laugh.

Eventually, they separated their hands to protect their tummy from Zhi Ruo and were happily laughing.

" Oops! I separated you, is it bad? " Zhi Ruo put on her mouth and tried to look guilty.

" You did that on purpose! " the little girl laughed, not mad at all.

" But it doesn't matter right, cause you can always hold back hand. " Zhi Ruo smiled and reconnected their little hands together.

The little kids' eyes' shined bright and they all smiled, even the one that was more distanced.

" Can I know your names? " Zhi Ruo asked.

From the corner of the eye, Li Wei witnessed the scene and held a slight smile in his eyes.

' She's pretty goods with kids...'

He says that but looking at the boys that were staring at him like he was alien made him feel very uncomfortable.

" Hello, my name is Leon, pleased to meet you. " Li Wei extended his hand like a gentleman.

Unfortunately, kids still didn't know the etiquette and the boys were confused by his action.

One boy growled at him and said, " No candy for you! "

Li Wei was shocked and didn't know what to say.

" Okay... " Li Wei was extremely confused.

" What are your names? "Li Wei tried to copy Zhi Ruo and asked their names.

" Not telling you! " one of the boys proudly said.

" Why? I already told you my name, it is only polite for the other party to also introduce themselves. " Li Wei furrowed his brows.

Being the mighty and cold president that he is, Li Wei omitted a dark aura and scared the kids.

" Why are you not telling me your name? " his tone was even colder this time.

The two boys backed away shakingly, tears filling their eyes. ' So scary! '

One of the boys couldn't handle anymore his piercing glare and started crying and wailing.

His loud voice immediately attracted everyone's eyes onto them.

Li Wei was flustered. He started to feel embarrassed and didn't know what to do to appease the wailing boy.

" Shhhh...why are you crying...? " Li Wei never faced such a big hurdle.

' Why did I come here?! ' he yelled in his head.

As the lady in charge was about to head over and check on the situation, Zhi Ruo, who was closer to them, approached the weeping kid and gently petted his shaking back.

" What's wrong? Don't cry, you won't be able to play. Who bullied you? Let big sis take revenge for you. " Zhi Ruo said in a gentle yet reassuring voice.

The little boy looked up to the pretty Zhi Ruo and quickly nestled into her arms.

Calming down a bit, he directly pointed to Li Wei who was still staring at Zhi Ruo like a fool, " It's him! He bullied me! "

Li Wei, who was suddenly getting point at, started panicking, ' What did I do wrong?! '