Good Morning

" I'll go to sleep now. See you tomorrow, Ruoruo. " Wang Yong calmly said before walking into his room.

Zhi Ruo blankly looked at the departing man and was a bit weirded out by the fact that the small boy from this morning really didn't need her anymore.

An unknown feeling rose up in her heart and somehow there was also a big empty space.

Zhi Ruo nestled in her covers and touched the cold place beside her.

She sighed and for the first time, she thought that her extra king size bed was strangely too big.

Zhi Ruo tossed and turned for around an hour before finally drifting into dreamland.

Despite the empty space beside her, she was still very tired from her day and eventually dozed off.

However, after less than 2 hours as she was rolling around and searching for her usual human-size pillow, Zhi Ruo woke up in confusion; only to realize that her usual teddy bear, Wang Yong, wasn't here.

She sighed and tried to fall back asleep but after a while, Zhi Ruo still couldn't fall back asleep so she decisively woke up and tiptoed out of her room.

Curious, Zhi Ruo decided to go visit Wang Yong to see if he was sleeping well. She lightly stepped into his room, afraid to wake him up and approached the bed quietly.

All the lights of the room were closed but thanks to the light of the moon, she still could direct herself to the bed.

The gentle light of the moon sprinkled on Wang Yong's gorgeous face as he was breathing evenly.

Zhi Ruo gently sat beside him, observing his chest slowing going up and down.

The man seemed to be an immortal, far away from the messy world.

Zhi Ruo pondered, ' Can memories really change someone so drastically? How can he sleep so peacefully me? I thought he couldn't sleep without me...'

Zhi Ruo pouted as she thought of it.

' Is this really the big boss? Doesn't he look a bit too defenceless? What if someone attacks him? '

Zhi Ruo lightly poked his soft cheek.

She leaned a bit more and realized that Wang Yong's eyebrows were scrunched up, beads of sweat started to form; he seemed to be having a nightmare.

' Does he not know that you will get wrinkles sooner if he keeps furrowing his brows? '

Zhi Ruo' slender fingers approached his forehead and slowly started to massage his temples: her naturally caring intentions surfaced and she tried her best to soothe out his frown.

After a while, his brow finally relaxed and seemed less tense.

Accomplishing her work, Zhi Ruo wanted to get up and leave but Wang Yong seemed to sense her intention of departing and instantly grasped her hand in an iron hold.

Zhi Ruo laughed at this recurrent action she experiences almost every night and tried to twist her wrist out of his hold but this only provoked the man more as he pulled her down completely.

Landing on his chest, Zhi Ruo really wanted to hit herself.

' Why are you so dumb?! Why do you always let him lead you around by the nose?! Be strong Zhi Ruo! You can not let him take advantage of you! '

Zhi Ruo tried to get up a few times but after vain effort, she decided to give up and raised her free hand to slap him awake.

Yet, seeing his finally relaxed face while his strong arms were holding onto her desperately, Zhi Ruo decided to resign one last time as this was kind of her meddling self's fault and obediently laid her head on his chest.

She pulled the blanket to cover herself and found herself easily drifting off to sleep.

' This man's unconsciousness is really good at taking advantage of others huh... 'Zhi Ruo sleepily thought before going into a deep slumber.


The next morning came quickly and the sunlight danced on Wang Yong's face.

He slowly opened his eyes, waking up to a different ceiling than he was used to.

He sighed, feeling the void in his heart.

Suddenly, Wang Yong noticed a slight weight on his chest and instantly cast down his eyes to look at the bump on his chest.

The familiar head of hair shocked him for a few seconds.

His eyes drifted to the owner of the luscious hair and promptly softened as he recognized the familiar little face.

Wang Yong played with the soft hand in his palm and tried to remember how Zhi Ruo ended up in his bed.

If he remembered well, they each headed to their own room and even though he had a hard time falling asleep, he tried his best to sleep alone.

However, holding the familiar soft body in his arms made him realize that he really couldn't separate himself from her. She was like his drug and it was slowly becoming an unhealthy obsession.

Not long after, Zhi Ruo also gradually woke up and groggily lifted her head to look at her clock.

Yet, instead, she locked eyes with a handsome man.

Zhi Ruo blanked out while fixing at the perfect face and slowly regained her orientation.

Seeing her wake up like a little kitten, Wang Yong couldn't help but smile.

" Good morning. " his gentle voice resonated.