Be Good

A few days passed where Zhi Ruo was buried in work during the day and buried in embarrassment during the night as Wang Yong gave her a long hug each night.

Once she tried to ask him the reason why and he just smiled mysteriously before rubbing her head and walking away.

' This big boss is so confusing!!! Where did the little cutie angel go?! ' Zhi Ruo complained in her mind but for some reason, she couldn't tell him to stop.


Just like any normal day, Zhi Ruo walked into the office and sat down at her desk. Lin Xia informed her of her packed schedule.

" The landowner said that they were free next week so you could visit the land. " Lin Xia told.

" Hmm, free some time in my schedule then. " Zhi Ruo answered.

" If I did that the trip to the US will be pushed back again. " Lin Xia commented.

" The trip to the US...? " Zhi Ruo pondered for a second.

" visit Miss Xu's laboratory? " Zhi Ruo remembered the lady she met during a party. *reference to chapter 27

" Exactly. During the trip, we also have a lot of planned meetings, parties and conferences. I am afraid we can't move all of this. " Lin Xia anxiously said.

Zhi Ruo got another headache. These days she has been working almost all day and even on the weekends she would do her best to finish her pile of work before receiving more the next Monday.

Unfortunately, she wasn't as talented as the old Zhi Ruo and was scared of making mistakes so she needed to be quite focused and had to do a lot of research to confirm that her choices were right.

Zhi Ruo lightly massaged her temples and sighed, " I was supposed to go visit the children this Sunday right? "

" Yeah. " Lin Xia nodded.

" Call the orphanage and tell them that I can't make it. Afterwards, call the landowner again and try to negotiate for this Sunday. Don't forget to send compensation and apologize to the orphanage. " Zhi Ruo instructed.

" Yes, I will do the changes accordingly. " Lin Xia agreed.

" Nothing else? " Zhi Ruo started writing again.

" Hum, you informed a few days ago that it was almost your cousin's wedding and you had to attend. However, it is on the night of your flight, will you still attend? "

" My cousin's wedding...sigh...I promised my mom I would go... " Zhi Ruo frowned.

" Yeah, I will attend, I'll just leave earlier. " Zhi Ruo replied.

" Okay. That is all if there is nothing else I will go back to work. " Lin Xia bowed and was ready to leave but Zhi Ruo stopped her.

" Lin Xia, buy me easy to eat snacks, I won't be able to eat lunch today either. You can eat alone, I will try to finish everything today. " Zhi Ruo informed.

" Understood. " Lin Xia answered before leaving.

Zhi Ruo sighed and leaned back on her chair, ' I can't even visit the orphanage anymore... '

She inhaled and exhaled a few times before getting back to work.


As Li Wei was going through his documents, his assistant, Gu Haoyang, knocked on the door.

" Come in. " Li Wei calmly said.

" President, the orphanage just called us and informed us that Miss Zhi won't be able to make it this week. " Gu Haoyang apprised.

" What happened? " Li Wei raised his head and asked.

" The orphanage said that Miss Zhi's assistant stated that she was too busy this week and that she would try to go next month. " Gu Haoyang answered.

" Next month? " Li Wei frowned as he repeated the information.

" Yes. " Gu Haoyang nodded.

" Okay, go back to your work. " Li Wei instructed.

After his assistant left, Li Wei secretly pondered, ' I won't be able to see her for another month? Isn't that too long? Won't she forget my existence? ⚆ _ ⚆ '

( Author being a sarcastic potato: she already did. (~˘▾˘)~ )

' I didn't even have time to see after the scandal and the discussion of cancelling our engagement... I hope she didn't misunderstand ' Li Wei was deep in thoughts.

' Should I use Wang Yong as an excuse to go visit her...? ' ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)


During dinner time, Zhi Ruo had difficulty keeping her eyes open and was about to doze off when her mom called her.

" Ruoruo! Are you okay? You seem very tired. If you are not hungry, you can go rest earlier. " Hui Yin worriedly said.

" Yeah, I am a bit tired... I think I should go rest now. " Zhi Ruo drowsily answered as she stood up.

" Have a nice meal. " Zhi Ruo added before walking up the stairs.

The family worriedly watched up go up the stairs.

Suddenly, Zhi Ruo wobbled and was about to fall.

" Ruoruo! " almost everyone called out at the same time.

Fortunately, Zhi Ruo managed to gain back her balance at the last second and instantly reassured them, " I am fine, just a bit tired. "

" I am going to help her. " Wang Yong already stood up and was walking towards Zhi Ruo.

" Please do, I will call Doctor Lu. " Zhi Chao nodded.

" No, it's fine. " Zhi Ruo frowned.

" No, it's not. " Wang Yong frowned at the frail-looking girl.

Zhi Chao was already taking out his phone and dialling a phone number.

Zhi Ruo wanted to run back down the stairs to stop him, " No I am really fine! Don't call the doctor. "

However, Wang Yong stopped her and scowled, " You are not fine. Let him call the doctor. "

Seeing Wang Yong's dark face, Zhi Ruo was a bit scared, ' I never have seen him this mad... '

Without waiting for her affirmation, Wang Yong scooped her up, her body rising from the ground, " Be good, let me carry you to rest. "

Zhi Ruo's eyes went wide just like everyone in the room.

Holding Zhi Ruo in a princess carry, Wang Yong tightly held onto her small body and climbed the stairs with ease. His arms were strong and were firmly wrapped around the little Zhi Ruo, giving off a very safe feeling. Zhi Ruo felt extremely comfortable and warm.

Either way, Zhi Ruo was too shocked and tired to say anything so she obediently nodded and nestled into his embrace, at this point she truly had no more energy. Zhi Ruo's head was closely sticking to Wang Yong' sturdy chest, her eyes closed.

Seeing the little cat in his arms being obedient, Wang Yong smiled and hugged her closer.

The rest of the Zhi family blankly stared at the amazing lovey-dovey scene and didn't know how to react. Only when they were out of sight did they come back to their senses.

Hui Yin quickly tapped her dumbfounded son and reminded him, " Hurry and call Doctor Lu! "

" Yes... " Zhi Chao tore off his eyes of the stairs and went back to his phone.