Why Us?

" Do we know each other? " Zhi Ruo rummaged through the host's memories, she was only supposed to meet the female lead after a year.

Xiao Ling seemed to have realized her error and awkwardly smiled, " Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Xiao Ling, I am a friend of the bride. Nice to meet you both. "

Zhi Ruo and Wang Yong shook hands with the lady and also introduced themselves, " I am Zhi Ruo, the bride's cousin and... "

Zhi Ruo looked at the big boss and he just silently looked at her, " And this is my good friend, Wang Yong. Nice to meet you too. "

Wang Yong politely nodded, he was being careful with his actions, afraid that he would continue to attract bees with delusions.

' Not the introduction I wanted but I guess it's good that I am her person. ' Wang Yong thought in his mind.

" Hum... I can't promise you anything but how may we help you? " Zhi Ruo was a bit curious as to why the mighty female lead needed their favour.

' More importantly, this female lead really is something, already having so many connections...'

" I actually have a friend that is working in the fashion industry and I know this is a bit shameless to ask but I was hoping you could maybe model for her new line of couple outfits. " Xiao Ling handed them her friend's card.

Xiao Ling was a bit scared as she knew that most elite rich people were very haughty and arrogant. She would have never thought that the cute couple she saw at the beach was actually filthy rich, coming from the mighty Zhi family.

Zhi Ruo accepted the card and looked at the name, feeling a bit fearful.

[ Fashion Designer: Yu Yan ]

' Shmer... Isn't that the female lead's best friend that convinced Xiao Ling to abuse the old Zhi Ruo?! ' Zhi Ruo remembered from the original plot.

" Why us? " Zhi Ruo frowned.

" I saw you guys at the beach last time. You guys were a very eye-catching couple as your boyfriend was holding you high up and that you were both very attractive. " Xiao Ling chuckled as she explained.

" Unfortunately, we are not a couple. I don't think we can help you with this matter. " Zhi Ruo clarified and handed back the business card.

Wang Yong unhappily squeezed her hand and slightly sulked.

" Oh... I am sorry. You had such good chemistry, I was sure you were dating... " Xiao Ling embarrassingly said but confusedly looked at their linked hands.

" Actually, during the shoots, you wouldn't need to kiss or anything just hold hands and hug. " Xiao Ling tried to convince.

' No kissing... ' Wang Yong slightly lost interest.

" Even though we are a small company, we will pay you well and we believe that the designs will go very far in the future! " Xiao Ling pushed a bit more.

' Sigh... why am I still trying? They are so rich, there is no way they are going to accept. ' Xiao Ling reflected. She didn't really have a good impression of rich people...

Zhi Ruo calmly thought about it. In her memory, the small company would do extremely well after the female lead finally agreed to model for it and as the best friend of the female lead, of course, Yu Yan was also very talented and her designs were very popular. If she remembered well, this shoot ended being done by the female lead and the male lead in disguise.

They blurred out their faces but with this interaction, they became closer.

' Should I help...? But what would I gain? I don't need to be popular, I don't need money, I don't need to pass time... Do I have to build a good relationship with the female lead? '

" Zhi Ruo, we almost have to go. " Wang Yong gently reminded.

" You are right. " Zhi Ruo nodded.

" Hum...I think I will have to refuse. I am away on a business trip for two weeks and afterwards, I was thinking of taking some time off. " Zhi Ruo replied, trying to sound conflicted.

" I see... it's totally fine. " Xiao Ling didn't feel dejected as Zhi Ruo said it very nicely, " But just in case you want to pass time during your break or maybe want to look at our designs, you should keep the card. "

" Okay. " Zhi Ruo accepted and put the card in her small purse, " If there is nothing else, we will get going. We have to catch a flight. "

" Thank you very much for your time! See you next time! I hope you have a nice flight! " Xiao Ling smiled.

" Hmm. Goodbye. " Wang Yong and Zhi Ruo bid farewell and walked away.

' The female lead was really not bad at all! She really is a female lead, being surrounded by so many opportunities. Should I have latched on her to receive some blessing from her halo? ' Zhi Ruo pondered.

Zhi Ruo observed the man who was still holding onto her hand and smiled, ' Nevermind, the big boss is already a big lucky charm! Only happy things happened after he came to the house! Nothing bad should happen to me as I already broke off my engagement...'

" What makes you so happy? " Wang Yong looked at her smiling face, finding it very cute.

" Nothing. I am just happy we met. " Zhi Ruo smiled.

' Falling in love with the big boss shouldn't be that bad... ' Zhi Ruo relaxed and happily went to see her parents to inform them of their leave.

Meanwhile, Wang Yong's eyes darkened and he shifted his sight away, ' How come I was wrong the whole time? She is obviously not a cat but a fox! The most powerful one on top of that...sigh... this is going to be a painful ride if I don't catch her soon... '