
" I don't know how to play golf... " Zhi Ruo finally pushed out the words.

Wang Yong who was hoping for something else sighed in his heart but still displayed a smile on the outside, " There is no problem with that. "

He chuckled, she bothered him this late at night because she couldn't golf?

Zhi Ruo looked up to the smiling man and was embarrassed. ' It's not my fault I can't play golf. Who the hell learns these skills when you are a busy woman? '

Actually, the previous Zhi Ruo had a bit of knowledge about it and could play averagely but Zhi Ruo still didn't believe that she would be able to redisplay those skills and as she was meeting an important client tomorrow that wanted to play golf with her, she could only come to the big boss that was basically talented in everything, hoping he would be able to help her.

" Do you know how to play golf? " Zhi Ruo hopefully looked at him.

" A bit, do you want me to teach you? " Wang Yong displayed a teasing smile.

" Hmm. " Zhi Ruo nodded.

" No problem, when do we start? " Wang Yong asked.

" Hum...we have tomorrow morning till noon to learn after I need to meet with a client that wants to play golf. " Zhi Ruo smiled, a bit embarrassed.

She didn't even know till earlier when Lin Xia informed her that they would golf on the weekend. Lin Xia didn't warn her before as she thought that the President already knew how to golf and it wouldn't be a problem at all.

" I see... As it seems like we are in a rush, you should stay here tonight. " Wang Yong stood up and went to take his laptop.

" What? Stay here? "Zhi Ruo was a bit startled, ' Was it an invitation...? '

(* 'Д')ノシ)゚ロ゚) Wake up Zhi Ruo! Pure mind, pure mind!

" Hmm. You don't want to? " Wang Yong looked at her innocently, his undertone a bit mischievous.

" I mean... " Zhi Ruo didn't really know what to say as her brain was processing things very slowly.

Wang Yong sat on the bed and gently petted the place next to him, gesturing to Zhi Ruo to come over.

" Come. " Wang Yong said seductively.

" The thing is... I don't really think that this is very necessary... " Zhi Ruo managed to barely utter after gulping down and observing Wang Yong's bare chest peeking out from his loose pyjamas.

" What do you mean? It is necessary. " Wang Yong teased at the sight of her cheeks flushing.

" I... I... " Zhi Ruo was so confused by the situation and hesitatingly approached the bed.

" Hurry, we don't have all night. " Wang Yong urged.

Zhi Ruo cleared her mind of any evil thought and confidently sat down, ' I must be imagining things. Clear mind! You already slept with him so many times! '

' Wait...why do I have to stay over again...? ' Zhi Ruo's brain slowly caught up and when she thought she had things figured out Wang Yong suddenly towered over her, cornering her against the bed's headboard.

Zhi Ruo unconsciously backed up and stared at the handsome man, ' What the f*ck is happening right now? '

Wang Yong's muscular body almost blocked all light that was reaching her pitiful corner.

" What are you doing? " Zhi Ruo asked.

Wang Yong lightly leaned onto his cute cat, wanting to tease her more.

Zhi Ruo held her breath, trying to display the most indifferent face on Earth to conceal her embarrassment. They made eye contact for a moment and maintained the gaze for a few seconds before splitting.

Seeing the frightened little cat trying to act brave, Wang Yong felt a bit bad and stopped punishing her. Hmph! Who told her to come so late at night, trying to seduce him with her cute face?

Wang Yong plopped back down to his initial seat and smiled, " Sorry, I was grabbing the air conditioning remote. "

He showed the controller that he grabbed on the tableside opposite his side.

" Oh... I see. " Zhi Ruo finally regained control on her feelings and breathed a sigh of relief.

' I thought my heart was going to burst!!! '

" It gets a bit colder at night so I will reduce the AC's setting. " Wang Yong clicked on the controller.

" Now let's get onto the important stuff. " Wang Yong said before tugging on the cover underneath them and covering their legs with an elegant motion.

He approached Zhi Ruo till their shoulders touched and could feel each other's warmth

" What are we doing already? " Zhi Ruo lifted her eyebrow.

" Training. " Wang Yong said and placed the laptop on top of his legs that were under the covers. He opened a video about golf's basics and adjusted the laptop's angle so Zhi Ruo could properly look at it.

" Oh...Training by watching a video... " Zhi Ruo finally understood and nodded.

" I thought it would be more comfortable for both of us to watch it in bed with a blanket. " Wang Yong explained, seeming completely innocent.

Zhi Ruo hummed in response and looked at the video with disinterest while trying hard to not fall asleep. She was very comfortable under the blanket and Wang Yong's natural heat made her drowsy.

Zhi Ruo tried very hard to stay awake and repeatedly rubbed her eyes. Eventually, she couldn't hold it anymore and passed out on Wang Yong's shoulder.

Wang Yong smiled at his asleep little kitten and chuckled, " She really thinks my shoulder is a pillow huh? "