Everything About You

On their way back to the hotel, Zhi Ruo asked, " Are we meeting in the afternoon? "

" Hmm. We can go on a mini-date before leaving for the casino. When does your schedule end? I'll come to pick you up. " Wang Yong answered dotingly.

' My schedule finishes at one but I want to make some research...so... ' Zhi Ruo pondered before replying, " I finish at one but I need to work on something first, can you come to pick me a three? I'll send you my location. "

" No problem." Wang Yong smiled.

Arrived at the hotel, Wang Yong and Zhi Ruo walked out of the cab together while Lin Xia, Fei Long and Olivia were exposed to their PDA.

Wang Yong lovingly held her hands and kissed her forehead to bid her farewell, " Be careful and since we are officially dating, don't hold back on telling men off that you have a boyfriend. "

Zhi Ruo giggled and nodded, " Yes, I will. You too... don't get too close to other women... "

She shyly said trying to his behind a calm mask.

" Is my little Ruoruo jealous? " Wang Yong smirked at her cute advertisement.

Zhi Ruo frowned and sulked " Yeah. Don't think I didn't realize how many women look at you each time we go out! It feels like they would jump on you the moment I leave your side. "

Wang Yong laughed at her adorable expression and obediently agreed, " I will not let it happen, no one will be able to make you sad or angry. "

" Good. " Zhi Ruo proudly lifted her chin.

He pulled her in for a hug and squeezed her, " Sigh...you make me so happy... I don't think I will ever be able to let you go..."

Hearing his embarrassing line, Zhi Ruo blushed and quickly responded, " Well don't ever let me go then. "

After listening to her own cringy line, Zhi Ruo buried her face in his chest, hoping to dig herself a hole. "

Wang Yong looked down at the softness in his arms and felt his heart about to explode from the cuteness.

He bent down his hand and pecked her lips, " Don't forget to miss me. "

" You too. " Zhi Ruo answered as she flushed pink.

' Can we just go?! ' the three staff exasperatedly thought as they witnessed the whole interaction, ' What the hell are those alternate personalities?! We are more embarrassed than you guys right now! '


After doing everything on her schedule, Zhi Ruo dismissed Lin Xia so she could go relax and headed to a computer cafe. She paid for a private room and conformably settled into her seat, before the computer.

Zhi Ruo lightly stretched before getting to work. Her fingers flew across the keyboard as the systematic sounds of the keyboard resonated in the small private room. Zhi Ruo quickly went through everything of the plot that she could remember and managed to type it down in a document. She then proceeded to search for information on all the important characters from their childhood to their foot size to their adulthood and their friends.

At the end of her two-hour session, Zhi Ruo managed to gain a lot of information about the characters that were the most relevant in the story.

Zhi Ruo made sure to safely send herself the documents and erase any traces of her hacking the computer.

Satisfied with her work, Zhi Ruo finally relaxed and stretched her arms. She took out her phone and sent her location to Wang Yong so he could come to pick her up.

' Sigh...what should I do...The plot is toying with me but I have a generally good and happy life... ' Zhi Ruo spun around with her chair.

' Maybe big boss doesn't actually like me and it's just the power of the plot...what am I going to do then...? Is it really love? What if my feelings were also fake? ' Zhi Ruo pondered for a long while and didn't seem to be able to come up with any good hypothesis.

Shortly after, Wang Yong arrived and they left for their mini-date. They had just enough time to go watch a movie.

Wang Yong had already bought the tickets to a spy movie that he knew Zhi Ruo was very interested in.

" How did you know I like spy movies? " Zhi Ruo inquired as they were waiting to buy popcorn.

" I know everything about you. " Wang Yong confidently answered.

Zhi Ruo lifted her eyebrow and said, " Then do you know what I am thinking about right now? "

' Big boss, I know you are a big boss but aren't you too confident in yourself? '

Wang Yong looked down at her beautiful face that was looking forward to his answer and he happily kissed her lips, " You were thinking that I was overconfident. "

Zhi Ruo's eyes slightly widened, ' OMFG how does he know?! If he truly does know everything, aren't I a bit too vulnerable?! '

Wang Yong chuckled at her shocked face and lightly pinched her cheek, " Your face is too expressive, you are too easy to guess. "

' Me? Expressive?! How? I was told since I was a child that I was too cold? '

" There is only you who thinks that. " Zhi Ruo pouted and sadly held her abused cheek.

" Then that's good. " Wang Yong smiled before ordering the popcorn and drinks.

' Only I will able to see my little cat's cute faces. ' Wang Yong thought.