48 Hours

Back at the police station.

Both Alessia and Leon were handcuffed and were now sitting in front of one of the chiefs.

They both tried to look calm and undisturbed but were inwardly panicking as they had literally just left their fate in the hands of a stranger.

The chief police stared at them for a while before speaking up with a smirk on his lips, "Leon and Alessia Kings, do you guys know why you were arrested tonight? "

Seeing his smug expression, Leon couldn't help but scoff, " Isn't that your job to know? If you also don't know then just let us go quickly and we won't hold it against you. "

" Ha! You might have the state's chief police under your belt but even this time he won't be able to help you because we got definitive proof of you illegally trafficking arms. " the chief slammed the table with content.

" Really? Then show it to us. " Alessia rolled her eyes, " If you don't have proof you can not retain us for more than 48 hours. "

Even though Alessia seemed to nonchalantly say that, she was actually very stressed and prayed desperately that Zhi Ruo had actually accomplished her unbelievable feat.

" With pleasure. " the policeman harrumphed before turning to his computer and clicking open a file.

His confident expression finally scared the hell out of the siblings.

' Why would you open your big mouth Alessia?! ' Leon screamed inwardly, ready to give up.

However, suddenly, the chief froze and furiously clicked the mouse.

After a few moments of silence passed where nothing happened, both siblings caught on that something was obviously going wrong.

Suddenly, the chief yelled loudly for his subordinate and rushed him. When the subordinate walked in the office, the chief immediately dragged him in front of the computer and whispered directives into his ear. The subordinate quickly nodded and sat down in front of the computer.

After another few instances, the subordinate stressfully turned to the chief and shook his head but quickly whispered something else and left the room in hurry.

Alessia and Leon looked at each other and smiled, ' Looks like she actually did it! '

The chief saw their smirks and furiously yelled, " Officers, come here and immediately lock them up seperatly! Put them in the furthest rooms and nobody is allowed to talk to them! "

"Well, well, well... How is your master plan going huh, chief?" Leon smiled sinisterly.

The chief slammed the table hard, " I know you are behind this! You won't get away with it this time, I anticipated it and made several backups, you don't stand a chance! "

After this, the guards walked in and locked them up in different cells.

" Let's see how long you can stay in denial, chief. " Alessia calmly said before being pushed out.


48 hours later.

Alessia and Leon happily walked out of the police station and into their black car while the police chief angrily watched them leave. The vein on the officer's forehead looked like it was about to pop out and his nails were digging into his palms, "This is not f*cking over!"

Alessia and Leon comfortably sat into their luxury car and happily waved the chief goodbye as they disappeared into the distance.


At a French restaurant, Zhi Ruo and Wang Yong were looking at the menu while waiting for the pair of mischievous siblings. Zhi Ruo decided to extend her trip to the US by a couple of days as Wang Yong still needed to stay to work with Leon. Zhi Ruo explained to her parents that she was supposed to be on vacation anyways and wanted to actually go sightseeing.

Not long afterwards, two flashy figures rapidly approached their table and Jessica jumped towards Zhi Ruo.

" Angelica, darling! You are amazing! My wonderful goddess, you really saved us!" Alessia excitedly squealed and hugged Zhi Ruo.

"Haha, no problem." Zhi Ruo gave a polite smile and awkwardly patted Jessica's back as she didn't know what to do.

" No, what you did is phenomenal. I have absolutely no clue how you did it, but you have our gratitude, thank you so much. " Leon grinned and sat down at the table.

Alessia also sat down and two additional menus were handed to them. Everyone ordered and as the waiter walked away, Alessia spoke directly, " So why the hell are you a CEO, Miss Angelica?"

Zhi Ruo knew she had to address her skills at some point but didn't realize they would be so direct.

To be honest, even Wang Yong was extremely curious as to how his little princess was so skilled at hacking and why she decided to run a company instead. Although he wasn't an expert in this field, he knew that no average skills picked up from a side hobby could allow a normal person to hack governmental systems with no trace and in an extremely short time.

His little Ruoruo must also have been extremely confident to propose such an outrageous solution and succeed under pressure. It reinstated once more that his little kitten was definitely a ball of mysteries...