Practice makes perfect (1)

Sul-Chung was at home watching the live broadcast of a new weird monster being fought by Sebastian, but moments later Sul-Chung drowned with his coffee and started coughing as he observed the objects Sebastian had taken inside. Of a coffer with skeleton lock.

Sul-Chung immediately picked up the phone and put the private phone number of his personal computer and started yelling at them demanding an explanation of whether what had happened was a mistake.

"Please tell me it's a damn mistake what just happened..." Sul-Chung said on the phone while his team remained in total silence.

"[Voidfletcher] and [Arborix] the two damn items that were supposed to have been removed from the game more than two months ago suddenly appeared in a chest specifically where that player "Sebastian" was fighting a rare King Leech so tell me It's a coincidence, right? " Sul-Chung said being agitated knowing they had made a terrible mistake in creating a couple of items and that two items had not been removed from the game because they were too powerful.

"Do you realize that these items can no longer be withdrawn since a player now owns it?" Sul-Chung continued to talk on the phone without anyone answering.

"Mr. Chung, we can take care that that player loses the items we just need a little tim-" The employee was about to finish speaking, but was suddenly interrupted by Sul-Chung who started talking again.

"Too late if we take away his weapon, most likely all those who watched the live broadcast will investigate Sebastian and when they find that he does not possess the two objects he found to be suspicious of us, I prefer not to risk looking like a villain.

Sul-Chung said slowly calming down and thinking about a logical solution, but I really can not find a solution for that problem, so I come to a conclusion.

"Just leave him in peace, honestly I do not really want to go around dealing with nonsense, he's a lonely player, so I doubt anyone will go to bother him continuously." Sul-Chung said taking a sip of his coffee.




Basement of the bastion of heroes.

Sebastian continued to admire the bow and quiver he found inside the chest which had taken on a sandy appearance and covered in gold just like the soldiers of Anubis.

"Well it's time to go!" Sebastian said stretching and going up the stairs to find a green forest and a path that led to a kingdom that was in the distance.

"Eh?" Sebastian observed everywhere.

"Hey, get out of the way, idiot!" The voice of an old man was heard in the distance and Sebastian looked back he could see a decorated carriage that was going towards him so in a quick movement this was done to the side of the road avoiding that it hit him despite Sebastian now it is almost 3 meters tall, because its size could change at will.

Sebastian could not hang his bow because he did not have anything to put it on and his quiver had to carry it in his hand which did not bother him at all.

The city was getting closer and on the map of Sebastian a new city was marked along with the road traveled.

[City of the goddess of light has been discovered]

The name was very simple, although the interior of the city was the opposite, all the houses and properties inside that territory were clean, the streets were very beautiful and the people who visited the streets were mostly players with framed names and among these there were a few NPC.

Sebastian decided to consult the merchants if anyone was interested in compiling the [Great gem of Global experience x10] that he still had in his inventory, but no one could tell him a positive response.

"You should try in the auction room, with luck you will get a very good amount of gold for such items!" A fruit merchant told Sebastian, many people almost did not pay attention to Sebastian's appearance since he did not present any attitude problem or cause problems to the entrance guards.

The fruit merchant marked on the map of Sebastian the location of the auction, and he went there.

30 minutes of walking afterwards.

Sebastian was unable to find the right way to the auction room, until he saw a player who entered a place that had a sign in the shape of a coin, on entering you could see hundreds of players leaving items and leaving the place.

At that time there were 4 beautiful women attending to both the NPC and the players accepting items, Sebastian decided to approach one of them, where he showed the stones being surrounded almost instantaneously by everyone in the place because the item that Sebastian was selling At that time it was incredibly rare to find, and he had 10 of them in that bag.

"Tell me I would like to sell this or exchange it for other items?" The young girl asked Sebastian while inspecting the stones.

"I want to sell them, if it's not too much trouble, young lady." Sebastian responded respectfully to the young lady.

"Well, here and right now I can give you 19,812 pieces of gold for these stone days or I can publish them immediately in the auction and when they are sold you will be deducted 25% of the sale to pay for the expenses of keeping the items safe." The young girl explained why such a system.

"I want the first offer." Sebastian said taking all the gold that was offered and keeping it in his inventory.