Its appearance does not indicate how dangerous a creature is.

[Young Behemoths] Saphira/Josh

species: Dragon

Class: Medium monstrosity

Rank: Bronze (1)

HP: 513

Stamina: 113

Physical defense: 75

Magic defense: 280

Strength: 41

vitality: 53

Intelligence: 31

Wisdom: 45

Agility: 39

✧Elemental resistances✧

Fire 20%

Wind 20%

Water 20%

Earth 20%

Ice 20%

Electricity 20%

Ethereal 20%

Darkness 20%

Light 20%

Poison 20%

✧Passive skills✧

[Lore of the creature]

The behemoth is often described as a dragon lacking wings and whit some of the physical qualities of a shark. Whit a light blue skin the behemoth goes unnoticed in the cold regions of the world.

However, the vibrant orange belly of the beast does stand out in its surroundings. It's arms are massive whit a thick rock-like skin and razor sharp claws.

[Combat tactics often used]

The behemoths choice of combat is to jump at creatures, using the momentum of its descent towards them to increase the power of its strikes. When presented whit an opportunity to jump and attack or not, the behemoth will nearly always choose to jump.

[Behavior and curiosities]

Behemoth are not evil creatures and in typical normal environments the behemoth lives in, it rarely if ever encounters most of the humanoid races of the world. Often the behemoth will enjoy watching these strangers from a distance, and if approached tries to determine if the creatures are hostile or not.


A behemoth does not seek to do harm to creatures for fun, and has great rage towards creatures that do. When a behemoth encounters a fight it attempts to make sense of the engagement. If one group is clearly the aggressor, the behemoth may choose to fight against only that side, trying to protect and help the defenders. Should those defenders that and reward the behemoth whit food or praise, they may find the behemoth turns into a guardian following them. However, if the behemoth sees another behemoth in a fight, it will always side whit the behemoth.

Sebastian found a good amount of information from both behemoths which ran in front of him inspecting every little inch of ground they were walking, "some really curious creatures" Sebastian thought at that moment.

The behemoths behaved like a couple of puppies more than dragons, but Sebastian did not know how a dragon behaved, Sebastian had no idea that a dragon was supposed to be, the only thing that was known, was that a dragon was a typical overgrown lizard with wings that spit fire.

Sebastian continued walking through the valley until he strangely began to feel as if the ground he was stepping on became softer, each step began to become a little more complicated than the previous one until Sebastian decided to stop and began to see that in the distance There was water and trees.

"A swamp?" Sebastian was surprised to find that the valley was connected to a swamp.

Usually the swamps offered a diverse fauna and flora so Sebastian at that time thought that the swamp would be a great place to find more medicinal plants, fortunately the sun was still present in the sky, which gave him some time to continue exploring.

The swamp offered an incredible variety of plants, fruits and strange animals, Sebastian found strange reptiles of beautiful colors on their backs, although these were not friendly since the attempt to approach one of them to try to take it and inspect it more closely.

But the lizard proved to be a creature that did not tolerate the other creatures that approached it and it opened its mouth spitting to Sebastian, who avoided it to avoid being dirty, but the saliva proved not to be common saliva, since it fell on a root of a tree and began to melt it.

"Heavens, I've dodged a bullet apparently." Sebastian said moving away almost immediately from the small reptile, Sebastian did not think that the reptile was a hostile creature, this only defended itself from someone curious, a movement that any animal with an offensive capacity would do.

Sebastian and his curiosity proved to be an enemy of all the creatures that were in the swamp, because on numerous occasions, Sebastian encountered diverse, strange and fascinating creatures, both aquatic and earthy, a strange lizard similar to a gavial approached him in a moment, but Sebastian decided to feed him with the colossus meat for a while.

The plants of the swamp varied from small mushrooms with white hats, to long vines with thorns which were alive and conscious, but turned out to be non-aggressive, none of the swamp flowers were present in the book that Sebastian had bought as a supposed "Catalog of wild flora "which turned out to be a total fiasco, but not a total waste since at least it showed the properties of the most common plants.

The water of the swamp had a fascinating variety of creatures, from small colorful fish, to the enormous gavials that Sebastian had encountered previously, but these also did not turn out to be aggressive, perhaps due to the fact that he had fed one or that they were already satisfied with some previous prey, one way or another the animals of the swamp were not hostile to Sebastian, although perhaps the simple fact that Josh and Saphira were present with Sebastian was enough to make the wildlife avoid approaching him.

Time passed quickly and the sun began to descend in the swamp causing the place to start to turn orange, unfortunately the time of Sebastian was over, so he decided to look for firm ground to be able to put a camp and leave a point of reappearance because if Sebastian was disconnected from a point of the world without lighting a fire, he would end up reappearing in the nearest city instead of where he was last disconnected.

"Well, I guess it's time to go back." Sebastian said caressing Josh and Saphira and feeding them before leaving to eat and sleep.