Chapter 8. Betrayals and Brutal killing.

"Okay, take a rest. I will deal with it." Xeols immediately leap toward the destination after saying his piece of word.

Xeols reach the school entrance in less than a minutes. There few of thugs who hold a gun to threaten the students who do patroling task.

Thanksfully, Xeols already told that the gun already become useless after the 'Death Mist' appearance that change the world princip and phenomena. The students still hesitant to fight the thugs, since there yet a prove to Xeols's previous statements.

After Xeols arrived the school entrance, he immediately laugh in his mind. He know how foolish the thugs are, use firearms to scaring the students.

"Leader, you come. The thugs is here, they asking us to hand over the three things." Jiang Chen who current head of the patrol team announced to Xeols of the thugs request.

"What it is?" Xeols camly asked while strolling toward the thugs until reach before the thugs and stared directly at them with Sheated Katana on his hand asked Jiang Chen.

"Leader…"Jiang Chen wanted to answers before he got interjected by the bald thug.

"Are you the leader? Okay, hear me out, I want you position, that the first. Secondly, my brothers want a woman that still virgin and beatiful. Haha, of course I don't worry about since this is school and there might be a lot of virgin high scholar. The third, I want you hand over all you cold weapon." The bald leader thug said with smug face.

"It's okay…" As soon Xeols voices fell, all the students and teachers become pale. They all was extremely dissatified with Xeols decisions.

"Haha, Boss Guo. As I tell, they leader is coward. There no need to worry about getting those thing from them."

"Brothers tonigh we will enjoy the high scholar students virginity. Hey, you make great decision…" before the bald head thug finished his word, Xeols already put the Katana on his neck. No one ever saw when did he unsheated his Katana. It's seem like a time was stopped.

"You, you what you doing? Do you know what you doing? Let me go or we will kill all of the students with our gun." The bald head thug said while his head full of cold sweat.

"Release our boss immediately or we shoot!" One of bald head thug follower shout.

"Yeah, release our brother, faster!" Many of shout was followed all about release their boss.

"Listen, carefully. All I wanted said is, it's okay for you to have what you wanted but there a rule. That is killing me first before taking all what you wanted." Xeols told them while giving out a killing intent aura toward the thugs with his deadly stared.

"You, you what you want? You know that we have a gun, right? You don't scared the death? You…" The bald head thugs become nervous while the line of blood appear on his neck. He keep anxiously told his word to try threatening Xeols. But all of it is useless against Xeols.

"Stop, how about I give you a chance? You call all your man shot at me first, before I retaliate. How about it? If you all fail to kill me, all you head will roll no matter what you all beg me." Xeols told the bald head rather with a loud voice.

"Stupid preak kind of leader, thug brothers and thug boss hear me out can you? My name is Kitai, I want to join your gang. I been long dissatified with him since I meet him yesterday. He only act so mighty with no talent in leadership and temperament. Please, I begged you to eliminate him." Surprisingly, the one who voice the announcement is one of student with pretty face and bluish haired that lead a group of students to go back home. Which only meet failure after seeing a hundreds of undead wandering around the outer entrance gate.

"See, even the pretty student said so. Release me or we shot you head. Won't you scare when you head explode and brain juice splatered?" The bald head thug boss said while grinning after gained a confident for himself. He believed the man infront of him will be listen to him after got betrayed by his own people.

"You won't regret it? You still can take back you word with little punishment, you know? How about it, do you take my forgiveness for sully my leadership?" Instead of replying the bald head thug boss, with calm expression, Xeols looking at the pretty boy student with pitying gaze.

"Hump! Brody and I will join the thug gang today. How could you give a harsh punishment to Brody. Boss, do you accept new members? I also can bring a group of student friends of mine to join your gang, how about it?" Kitai sneer at Xeols word of leniency and pitying gaze.

The scared students and Kitai's friends form a group to join him and become the thug gang. Only Jiang Chen and all female students and teachers against to join the thug gang since they know their fate is sealed even if they join them. They choose to believe their leader power.

"Good, good. Hey, why don't you call some virgin babies...Eh?" Before the bald head thug boss finished his word, he felt that he was flying before he saw his own body without his head on it and the neck splurting blood like a fountain. His eyes pupil enlarged in horror and grey after losing it lifeness.

Silent, a long silent continue for few seconds. Only after the bald head thug boss's head fallen to the ground did the ten or more of the thugs response.

"Argh, he killed our boss!!! Kill him!!! Revenge for the boss!!!" The thugs shout madly and throw their non-functional gun before taking out their cold weapon.

Xeols smirk watching the thugs throw away the useless gun before sneering at the short knife each of the thugs bring out. Xeols casually swing his Katana with battle instinct. Few heads fly to the air with each swing he made with his Katana. The thugs didn't have a chance to surrender after watching their friend easily mascared like chicken on the cutting board.

The battle end less than ten seconds with less than five swing of Xeols's Katana. Despite killing the dozen of thugs, there no bloodstain and smell on his cloth. All of it thanks to his battle instinct combat mode, other than increase his combat ability by many time with the increasing intinct. It's also produce subtle of spiritual force to repel or attract something for him according his will. Of course, the higher he put his spiritual power to battle instinct mode, the heavier the thing he can repel and attract with will.

Xeols immediately shook his bloodless Katana before sheated it. He immediately heads toward the students who choose to betrayed him.

All the students was frozing in shock, never they thought what was he states the firearms are become useless is proved. Only after a while did the students regained their calm. The students and teachers become happy with the out come and only Kitai and his fellow friends that choose to betray become scared what will happen to them.

"We, we are sorry." said the skinny and cowardly male students before kneeling and wet his pant. The other male students who choose to betray also kneel along him only left Kitai alone.

"Shut up, stop kneeling! He can do anything to us. Hey, you preak, my father is minister of defence assistant! If you dare to do anything to us, you will suffer consequence!" Kitai said with a loud voices ro threaten Xeols.

[How many time I heard those kind of word, I wonder but it ammused me every time I hear it.] Xeols smile devilously before give a hand chop to Kitai's neck to make him unconsious.

"So loud, its hurt my ear. Someone list their name before given to me as soon as possible. Oh, don't forget to tie them up before starve them all for 3 whole days. No food and water, only fate determined their live or die." Xeols announced his statement before he giving the Jiang Chen and the following female students and teachers with approving gaze for their loyalty and competense toward the job he hand over to them.

Today, Xeols give them some training in the morning and evening to be fair for different shift of patrol students. Since the beast and undead need 1 month of time, for evolve rank 1 of mutant beast or undead constanly appeared. So he cannot tell the information about the energy core yet and use his own energy core to increase their power.

Xeols only teach them how to absorb the energy surrounding them. Although the speed for their evolution will take longer without the assistant of the beast core, the method still benefit to their body to gained strength.

In the evening, Xeols gather the whole resident of his base for announcement. He need to make it serious so his people will take seriously about the new system he just creates.

There two systems, 'Judgement and Punishment system' which manage all the judging and punishing to the resident that against the base's rule. The second system is 'Contribution system' that will record all the contribution of the base's resident and they can use it to received some benefit, it's also encourage the resident to contribute to the base.

Although the two of system yet perfected, he hope the resident will bear with it. He will changes it with time, if there something changes he will lets them know.

Of course, he appointed himself as president for both the system. He also makes final announcement that next week will be the first expediction. Sixteen of people can apply for it two day before of expediction or he will randomly pick the people if there no enough of people participate in it. Of course, they will give two percent of good to anyone that participate the expediction.