Part of the Flock

4 PM. The flight to the Benedictio fugae's nest was not long but still very exciting. After all, it's not everyday you see a baby with wings being pushed in the air by a hawk and followed by a bunch of animals.

Oh, how wonderful it is to hear the baby laugh after her ordeal. She was so lucky to find herself a new life, a BETTER life.

The baby giggled and laughed on the flight to the home of the Benedictio fugae's nest. It didn't take long for the pair to arrive; in front of then was a beautiful clearing. Flowers of all colors and forms grew from the ground, painting the grass into a portrait where you don't understand what it's about but it's still beautiful either way. To the left was a wonderful stream of river, big enough for the baby to swim in, although not guaranteed to fit her when she's older. Towards the right were a handful of trees, all standing in form to make a tree house without the actually wood and nails. It was all natural.

The hawk latched onto the baby's arms, careful not to pierce into her gentle, delicate, and sensitive skin. They flapped their wings together down until the grass welcomed them back to land. The baby giggled once more as she pounded the ground with her soft fist. The grass licked her legs as a soft breeze passed through the clearing. This was a better breeze than earlier from when she was abandoned.

The hawk sighed as it walked to her side. Although no human life seemed around, it was surprising how no one was here. The clearing was beautiful which stuck out like a sore thumb so it's a bit confusing. The thing is, Benedictio fugae's are smart creatures. They won't let anyone see their home unless wanted, like the baby.

The hawk suddenly turned to the baby. She was still playing with the grass but seemed to be getting bored.

The hawk looked back towards the clearing with expectant eyes.

As if on cue, two figures flew through the forest ahead and into the light of the clearing. The figures were two parakeets, both green yet one was bigger than the other: A mother and daughter duo. They swooped down in front of the pair and changed forms into a hawk to match the first one. They chirped to each other in the baby's ears but it was just their language.

{What is she doing here? Who is this, papa?} chirped the daughter. She gave a sideways glance to the baby with big black eyes. The baby smiled. Cute

{Say hello to a new member of the flock...} Papa said. He showed the baby off to his wife and daughter.

{Ki, you gave her your power? What did you see worthy in her?} The mother titled her head at the pair.

{She was stranded, abandoned most likely. I couldn't leave her there, Irma. I did would I had to do and give her a new life. A new chance, with us!} explained the hawk named Ki. He turned to his daughter. {Feather, don't get jealous if she gets more attention than you.}

The daughter named Feather huffed. {I won't, papa. Besides, when she's older, I'll be here companion. While you two take care of each other, I'll take care of her!} Feather hopped around in circles happily. The baby watched as they interacted and jumped around. These creatures were so interesting.

{I guess so. She'll stay with us.} said Irma. She looked back at Ki. {What will she be called?} Ki stared at her then the baby. She stared back with focus before giggling again.

{I don't know...I was hoping on giving her a bird name.} said Ki.

{What about the name we were about to give Feather?} suggested Irma. Ki nodded. They both looked at the baby:


Feather nodded approvingly. {I like it!} She hopped towards Oriole and nudged her arm with her feathered head. {Oriole! Welcome to the family!}