
Outside Chang Wook's office Hong Joo was cleaning up her desk. She doesn't want Chang Wook to think of her as untidy. She turned around in her seat and started to archive some documents when she heard a man's voice.

"Excuse me"

"I'll be right with you" she said.

"I'm just here to see Chang Wook" he said.

Hong Joo turned around and saw a tall, handsome man but it wasn't just any tall and handsome man, it was Chung Woo Yeon. The man that came in first place as the most eligible bachelor in all of Korea. The second was Ji Seok, the CEO's brother.

Woo Yeon had beautiful features. Hong Joo always wanted to see him in person to see if what the tabloids said were true and they were.

She knew the Chung's and the Oh's had a great relationship, she even heard once that the families planned on getting their children married to each other but that was quickly overshadowed by other news and it was never talked about again.

She quickly wondered if Woo Yeon was going to challenge Chang Wook for a duel, the prize being Ha Eun's hand in marriage. Hong Joo had to admit that she had a bit of a wild imagination.

Hong Joo got up from her seat and lead him to Chang Wook's office.

"What is it Hong Joo?" Chang Wook asked her.

"A man is here to see you" she said. Chang Wook thought it might be Mr. Oh or someone from the board, but he couldn't have ever imagined on seeing Woo Yeon enter his office. He sat down on the chair in front of Chang Wook's desk. Chang Wook on the other hand, stood.

It was in his job as a secretary to always stand up to a higher up, he had forgotten that he didn't have to stand up for anyone. Even if Woo Yeon was the successor to the Chung Group, Chang Wook didn't need to stand for him.

Hong Joo was surprised by this. The battle hadn't even commenced yet Woo Yeon was already in the lead.

"Mr. Chung. What brings you to my office so early in the morning?" Chang Wook asked him as he laid on the bookcase behind him. That was a nice save to the standing incident "I thought you were going to see my wife"

Hong Joo smiled. The battle commenced with Chang Wook throwing the first punch. Rather than saying the CEO he said wife.

Woo Yeon chuckled "Oh, I will see her. I just wanted to meet with you first" Hong Joo was surprised by this. Rather than throw a punch, Woo Yeon seemed to want to taunt Chang Wook.

"Did you manage to please Ha Eun that night?" Woo Yeon asked. Hong Joo was shocked. He just questioned Chang Wook's performance in bed! That was a low blow.

"You seem to be very invested in our relationship for someone that has nothing to do with it" Chang Wook answered. Chang Wook just rejected any kind of friendship with Woo Yeon!

"She and I have known each other since we were young" Woo Yeon said "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about her" Hong Joo placed her hands on her stomach. Woo Yeon brought up the subject of childhood friends. That was a punch in the stomach for Chang Wook.

"Does she still play with a piece of thread when she's nervous?" Woo Yeon asked. Hong Joo widened her eyes. He brought up a childhood experience.

"She is a very confident woman. If she's nervous, she can always rely on me" Chang Wook answered. Hong Joo smiled. Chang Wook blocked Woo Yeon's attack with the protective husband card while also praising Ha Eun which gives him more points.

"Is this what you came to see me for?" Chang Wook asked him "You want to have a fight?"

"Who said anything about fighting? I just wanted to get to know my ex-fiancée's husband" Woo Yeon said. Hong Joo's mouth dropped. Chang Wook seemed paralyzed. She wondered if Woo Yeon knocked him out with that one word 'fiancée.' Was the battle over?

Chang Woo had no idea Ha Eun was once engaged. He knew the Chung's and the Oh's got along, but he didn't know Woo Yeon and Ha Eun were once engaged. He noticed Woo Yeon's smile.

"Look at you so serious" Woo Yeon chuckled. Hong Joo sighed with relief, it seemed he used the word 'fiancée' to mess with Chang Wook's head.

Chang Wook on the other hand wondered if Woo Yeon indeed lied. He's known Ha Eun for 6 years, Woo Yeon has known Ha Eun since they were children. He is such a handsome man, Chang Wook wouldn't be surprised if Ha Eun had a crush on him once.

"Calm down. I just wanted to say hello and welcome you to the family" Woo Yeon said.

"I didn't marry into the Chung's. I married into the Oh's" Chang Wook said.

"The Chung's and the Oh's have had a close friendship for many years. If you're a part of the Oh's, you are also part of the Chung's" Woo Yeon smiled. Hong Joo noticed that sentence as a way of threatening Chang Wook. That he better watch his back. If he does anything that the Oh's don't like, he'll make the Oh's and the Chung's his enemies. Woo Yeon stood up and fixed his jacket. He was about to leave but it was obvious he wanted to ask something. Hong Joo wondered if it was going to be one final blow before he left the office.

"Just out of curiosity, when did you and Ha Eun start dating?" Chang Wook tensed up for a second.

"Our relationship is none of your concern" Chang Wook answered.

"See you around Chang Wook" Woo Yeon said. Woo Yeon left the office, smiling. He grinned at Hong Joo which made her swoon for a moment, then realized how Woo Yeon won the battle. He called her boss by his first name. Ignoring the fact that he is the Editor in Chief and the CEO's husband.

Hong Joo could only give the medal to Woo Yeon. He left the office happily while Chang Wook was extremely bothered.

"It seems that you lost this battle" Hong Joo said. Chang Wook looked at her confused. What was she talking about? She bowed and walked outside, closing the door behind her.

Ha Eun was in her office looking over some paperwork when suddenly Woo Yeon walked into the office. She was about to scream at her secretary for letting someone in without letting her know first but she realized she didn't have one anymore.

"Good morning" Woo Yeon said.

Ha Eun got up from her seat and bowed "Good morning Mr. President" she said, then gestured to the sofas in the middle of the office so Woo Yeon could sit down. She walked towards him and sat opposite him.

"Please call me Woo Yeon. It's just the two of us here" Woo Yeon said.

"You're here on business so I will treat you like any other business partner" Ha Eun looked at him with cold eyes. Woo Yeon's heart ached, just a little. To think those eyes once looked at him with such happiness and now they looked at him with hatred made him want to change what he had done.

"When did you and Chang Wook start dating?" Woo Yeon asked her. Ha Eun got surprised by his question. In all honesty she didn't know if the two of them were even dating. They were married for appearances and they were in some sort of relationship, but they haven't really talked about it before.

By Ha Eun's expression Woo Yeon could tell something was off about the couple's relationship. Rather than answering quickly she got surprised and seemed to be lost in thought.

"I have no reason to answer that question" Ha Eun answered.

"Oh, come on Ha Eun" he said, a tone of frustration in his voice as he got up from the sofa "One moment you're single with no hint of interest in anyone and the next day you're married?!"

"Are we are here to discuss work or personal matters?" Ha Eun asked with a cold expression. She knew he was going to bring up the past. She didn't want to talk about the past at all.

"Ha Eun" Woo Yeon said. A saddened expression on his face.

"You are always free to leave and forget about the project with OG Group" she didn't want to fall for his saddened expression. That worked when they were younger, but now they were adults and those accidents lead to an even bigger one, one that hurt her beyond repair.

Woo Yeon sat down, and they talked about the project he wanted to do with OG Group but right after they finished her asked her something Ha Eun wasn't expecting.

"Did you ever wonder what it would be like if we got married?"