I'll be here

Ha Eun couldn't comprehend what he was saying. Did he want her to pity him?

Woo Yeon continued "Before you could leave me, I made everyone leave you first. That way, the only person you would need would be me."

During the whole time, Woo Yeon talked, tears streamed down his eyes, it took him all his self-control to not keep his composure and not fall on the ground crying, remembering that time.

"Then one day during high school, you started avoiding me. I could tell you didn't want to be with me anymore. I asked Ji Su what to do and she told me that if you were in a life-threatening situation and I saved you, I would get you back, but when I saved you from drowning and we were together again, but your eyes…they didn't want to look at me. You would spend time with me but you wouldn't talk as lively as you used to."

"I just wanted you…You were the only thing that I wanted, the only thing that I needed and then you left without a trace. I was lost. My life turned gray and I felt empty again. I tried to find you but I couldn't. Then you came back; my life felt like it had a purpose again. I tried to get in touch with you but everything I did, it never worked. I found out where you lived and your phone number but I could never bring myself to call you and let alone visit you. I was scared of how you would react. Then when I went to visit the Oh Residence, I saw you. I just had to talk to you, but our talk didn't end well, and the next one didn't either."

"I just wanted you to like me."

Ha Eun didn't know what to say. It was like during his whole monologue never once did he acknowledge that he tried to kill her and his explanation for turning everyone against her, he didn't seem to understand that what he did was wrong. Ha Eun started to cry loudly remembering how hurt she felt during that time.

"Ha Eun…" Woo Yeon took a step towards her, reaching out his hands but she quickly moved back.

"You're sick…" Ha Eun said "Woo Yeon, you are really sick"

"Ha Eun…" Woo Yeon whimpered. As he tries to get closer to her, but when she backs up again, she falls into the pool.

Ha Eun knows how to swim, but the trauma of what happened to her back then makes her panic, her dress, and her heels make it difficult for her to go back up for air which made her panic even more.

Everyone is inside having a good time. The only person near her is Woo Yeon but as she looks up, she can't find him. Did he leave her there to drown? She almost died once, is she truly going to die this time? Someone, anyone, help…

Suddenly she feels arms around her and she is brought back up. She takes deep breaths, coughing with every breath. She is then brought into an embrace by the person that saved her.

"I'm so sorry Ha Eun. I'm so, so sorry" it was Woo Yeon's voice. She was angry with him but she still put her arms around him as she cried. The fear of death was more powerful than the anger she had towards him.

"Back then you were my friend, yet you hurt me" she coughed "…you don't hurt the people you love." Ha Eun said.

Woo Yeon passed his hand down her hair "I'm so sorry" he repeated. Ha Eun closed her eyes and Woo Yeon carried her out of the water, back inside.

People looked at the two of them, they were soaking wet and Ha Eun was passed out. Woo Yeon reassured everyone that she was fine. He explained that she was having some air outside when she suddenly fell in the water. When he went outside he found her at the bottom of the pool so he went in to save her.

It was a lie, but it was better than the truth.

Mr. Oh appeared in front of them and touched Ha Eun's face "My daughter!"

"Where can I take her?" Woo Yeon asked him. Mr. Oh took him upstairs to Ha Eun's old bedroom. Once she was on the bed Mr. Oh told Woo Yeon that he was going to go get Chang Wook.

Woo Yeon stared at the sleeping Ha Eun, he moved a strand of hair behind her ear and passed his hand over her cheek "I'm so sorry I hurt you back then"

He leaned down, his face getting closer to Ha Eun's. Suddenly the door opened and he moved back. It was Chang Wook and Mr. Oh.

Chang Wook looked over at Ha Eun who was soaking wet and unconscious, then he saw none other than Woo Yeon. He grabbed Woo Yeon by the shirt and pushed him against the wall "What did you do to her?!" he yelled at him.

"You think I'd actually hurt her?" Woo Yeon asked him.

"She told me what you did, I think you're more than capable of doing more than hurting someone, especially her"

Mr. Oh got in between them "Chang Wook, what are you doing? Let him go!"

Chang Wook pushed Woo Yeon towards the door.

"Ge the hell out!" Chang Wook yelled at him. Woo Yeon looked at Ha Eun but Chang Wook got in the way. Woo Yeon fixed his shirt and headed outside.

Chang Wook apologized to Mr. Oh and asked him to please leave Ha Eun and him alone for a while. Mr. Oh had no idea what had happened between Chang Wook and Woo Yeon to make Chang Wook so violent towards Woo Yeon, but he decided not to ask. Mr. Oh left the room and Chang Wook sat down on the chair, next to Ha Eun.

He grabbed Ha Eun's hand "I'm sorry I left you alone" he said "You must have been scared" he noticed faint traces of makeup going down from your eyes. He realized she was crying. He moved his head closer to her and kissed her on the forehead.

"I'll be here when you wake up" he told her.