Goodbye, Chang Wook

Before Chang Wook knew it, they had arrived at an abandoned warehouse. The buff guy opened the door for him and pulled him out. There were other cars there, as well. So, more than one person was waiting for him inside.

The skinny guy knocked on the door, and it slid open. As expected, the place was creepy, with the dirty walls, dead leaves on the ground, and the wind coming from the broken windows made an eerie sound. Chang Wook doesn't believe in ghosts, but if they lived somewhere, it would be here. He then noticed the three guys, dressed in black, that were waiting for him, standing behind a desk and two chairs.

"Am I going to be sitting in that chair?" Chang Wook asked the skinny guy.

"Yeah," the skinny guy answered.

"Will I be restrained?" Chang Wook asked the buff guy.

"Most likely," the buff guy answered.

The two men walked Chang Wook towards one of the chairs and sat him down. One of the men dressed in black walked forwards and handcuffed Chang Wook's hands together. He didn't understand, though, why he was handcuffed with his hands behind his back.

"I'm impressed, and I thought you would have put up more of a fight" it was the voice of the same man he heard through the phone.

Now that Chang Wook heard it more clearly, a part of him wasn't surprised, but another part of him couldn't believe it.

Woo Yeon came out of the shadows.

Chang Wook scoffed, "Attempted murder and now kidnapping. Is there anything illegal you haven't done?" Chang Wook said.

Woo Yeon scoffed at Chang Wook's comment and suddenly punched Chang Wook on the face. Chang Wook was so shocked that he didn't even feel it until he spits out blood. His vision was blurry in one of his eyes, but he had to remain strong; he wasn't going to give Woo Yeon the satisfaction of seeing him in pain.

"I suggest you watch what you say. I don't know what I might do to you," Woo Yeon told him with a smile.

Chang Wook glared at Woo Yeon, he wanted to hit him back, but he didn't come to pick a fight with him. He came to get Eun Ha back.

"Where's Eun Ha?" Chang Wook asked. Woo Yeon grinned at him and snapped his fingers. One of the men walked away and brought back a dirtied little girl, her hands tied and gagged.

"Eun Ha!" Chang Wook yelled.

He could guess that Eun Ha was taken a few hours before him. How could she look so exhausted?

Once Eun Ha laid her eyes on Chang Wook, tears started to fall down her eyes. Her scared and tear-filled face made Chang Wook's heart break.

Eun Ha was let out of her restraints. She then yelled, "Ahjussi!" as she ran towards Chang Wook.

She wrapped her arms around him, and Chang Wook and cried. He placed his head on top of hers. He wished so badly to hug her, but the situation forbade it. "How many times do I have to tell you? It's Oppa" he let out a slight chuckle to calm Eun Ha down.

"Don't worry Eun Ha, it's alright, you're going to be alright" Chang Wook told her.

"Alright, enough with the touching reunion," Woo Yeon said and snapped his fingers once again. This time the same man that went to bring her grabbed her to take her back, but she held on tightly to Chang Wook.

"No. Let me go!" Eun Ha yelled.

"Eun Ha, it's okay," Chang Wook told her, "Do as they say. Everything will be fine" Eun Ha looked at Chang Wook. He smiled at her with a saddened expression, which made her nod and let go. Since she didn't fight back, she wasn't put in restraints again.

"What do you want," Chang Wook asked Woo Yeon.

Woo Yeon smiled at him "Oh, I think you know."

Chang Wook could only guess this was about getting Ha Eun back and doing that would need to be Chang Wook out of the picture. The problem is the method Woo Yeon was using.

By what little Chang Wook knows of Woo Yeon, he is a brash man that goes to extremes to get what he wants. Like right now, he could have approached Chang Wook, yet he kidnapped a little girl in the middle of the night, forcing him to come here to an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere.

Woo Yeon placed a few documents on the desk facing Chang Wook. Next to the papers, he put a pen.

"Divorce papers," Woo Yeon said.

"I can read," Chang Wook answered.

Woo Yeon clapped his hands, and the men brought a suitcase, a ticket, and an envelope.

"You will sign the papers, take the suitcase and get on the first flight out of here," Woo Yeon said. He looked at one of the men behind Chang Wook and said: "Uncuff him."

When the man was about to uncuff him, Chang Wook let out a laugh, which made the man stop "You think I would actually sign the papers? And even if I did, do you think Ha Eun would sign them?"

"She will, once she reads this," Woo Yeon said as he showed Chang Wook the envelope.

"Here lies a letter explaining to Ha Eun that you couldn't find it in yourself to love her. Every day with her was torture… blah blah, you can't stand looking at her, blah, blah, blah, you only married her so you could climb up the social ladder, more words and finally, you think that it would be best if she is with someone that loves her the way you never could" Woo Yeon said.

"She knows how I feel about her, she won't believe that letter so easily," Chang Wook told him with a smile.

"I'm willing to wait," Woo Yeon said, "The day she hugged me in the pool. I knew there was still hope for us. She's just pushing me away because she's embarrassed that she married you and didn't know how to express her feelings properly." Woo Yeon looked away from Chang Wook as he imagined having Ha Eun in his arms and smiling at him the way she used to.

Chang Wook widened his eyes as he listened to Woo Yeon's logic, "You're insane," Chang Wook said, "There's seriously something wrong with your head."

Woo Yeon turned his head to Chang Wook. He then walked towards the man that was standing closest to him, quickly took his gun, pointed it at Chang Wook, and fired two shots directly at Chang Wook's leg.

Chang Wook let out a bloodcurdling scream as he thought to himself, "It hurts…it hurts…it hurts so much!"

"I told you to watch what you say," Woo Yeon said.

As Chang Wook continued to scream in agony, with tears falling down his eyes, Woo Yeon commented, "You can't get on an airplane like that. It seems there will be a change of plans."

He walked towards the men behind Chang Wook and said, "Kill him" He looked back at the two guys that brought in Chang Wook, "And you two, get rid of the girl too."

"We can turn this into a story of jealousy and regret. Chang Wook was jealous of the little girl because Ha Eun was spending too much time with her. So, one night, he took the girl to get rid of her, but she fought back, which explains the gunshot wounds on his leg. He kills her, but realizing what he has done; he decides it's better to put a bullet in his head than spend the rest of his life in jail!" Woo Yeon started to laugh.

"Chang Wook, what do you think? That's a great story, right?" Woo Yeon asked Chang Wook with a smile.

Chang Wook couldn't even raise his head because of the pain he felt on his leg.

As Woo Yeon made his way out of the warehouse, he said, "Goodbye, Chang Wook. Can't say I didn't warn you."

A man pointed a gun to Chang Wook's head.

"I was confident I would get out of this. I was going to save Eun Ha, and the police would find us." Chang Wook thought to himself. He noticed Eun Ha fighting off the men and yelling her lungs out.

"I'm sorry, Eun Ha, I'm sorry for not being enough" Chang Wook then thought about his family and friends. "Hyuk Jae, looks like we'll meet again." He then thought about Ha Eun. "Will she be alright? I wonder if she'll cry...I would have liked to spend just a little more time with her."