Enjoy the show.

The two ate their dinner quietly while everyone else had interesting expressions on their faces. Chao was indifferently drinking rose hip and hibiscus tea infused with fresh pomegranate provided by Gladys. Gladys was waiting on her silently on the side with a castella. Furvis found a dog and was tickling it. Lara was playing hopscotch with an old blacksmith from the crowd. Lupine was kissing Fuchsia's cheek, and the crowd was particularly varied.

Some people were shocked, others were embarrassed, and one person got so bored they started a flash mob in the back of the crowd.

The flash mob wore Bluetooth headphones listening to C@ntina 8and*.

When the song ended, they paired up and did the Charl3ston**. "I don't know why they're dancing, but I'll treat it as a commercial break. When they finish their song, we're getting this show on the road." Chao looked up at Gladys from her teacup.

At last, the song ended and Gladys' voice boomed. "The time has come for the traitors. Furvus will come around with sunglasses so please wear them as soon as you get them."

Furvus walked over with the dog in his arms. "Why wasn't I told that I would have to do work?" Gladys ignored him and gave him a case filled with sunglasses. Furvus turned to Chao, "Lady Chao, can I keep this puppy? Pretty please with a glass of sugar?" Chao glanced at him before she finished off her tea and castella.

"Yes, you can have the dog. Gladys, grab his dog and give him a bath while he's handing out sunglasses."

"Yes Lady Chao."

"Now, Lupine, Lara, hand me the gloves and the Tear."

Lupine carried a small, seamless box. Intricate carvings covered the amethyst box. Depictions of Gods, Demons and humans silently rested on the box. Some people in the crowd noticed the buildup of perspiration on her face. Chao also noticed and closed the distance. "You need more training. You're still at level 6. Don't be flustered though. One more push will allow you to enter the next threshold." She grabbed the box from Lupine with her right hand while wiping her sweat with a handkerchief in her left hand.

Lupine felt distressed when she noticed it was one of Chao's handkerchiefs and instantaneously calmed down when she felt how gingerly Chao pat her head. "Don't mind the handkerchief. You can keep it." She kissed her hand and turned to Lara.

Lara carried something wrapped in velvet slowly. Her legs were wobbly and her arms shook. 'Silly.' "Is it heavy?"

Alarmed, Lara quickly shook her head while gritting her teeth. "No my Lady."

"Go walk to the manor with it then." Lara's face immediately fell and she turned with resignation. "Yes, Lady Chao." Chao rolled her eyes and walked over to her snatching the heavy object from the shivering arms. Automatically, Lara fell forward into Chao. With her head on the bosom of Chao, she subconsciously inhaled a lovely scent of pomegranate and volcanic ash.

"My dear, you can speak out and voice your true thoughts. I've already heard them in your mind anyway." Lara raised her head embarrassed. While she berated herself in her heart for making a fool of herself in front of her idol, Chao kissed her forehead. "You'll have to forgive me for not doing anymore. As you can see, my hands are full." With that, she winked at her causing Lara to go weak at the knees.

"The two of you can go to Albus for a check-up and treatment. Gladys and Furvus can stay here with me." They nodded, summoned a room and went North.

"Now, everyone has their sunglasses on, yes? Enjoy the show." Chao curtseyed while the two men bowed. When their heads came up, the men wore blank expressions while Chao wore an expression of extreme focus. Gladys lifted the top of the box while Chao languidly put her hands out from her sides.

The purple gloves that were once dead in the box roused themselves awake. The gloves then started to unravel and the quivering purple threads danced through the air. Upon making contact with Chao's skin, the threads began wriggling and forming themselves back into gloves. When the final thread was tucked, scarlet rivers swirled around the surface of the gloves.

Gladys shut the box backing away as Furvus stepped forward. He unwrapped the slate velvet revealing a pair of loud daggers. The ceremonial daggers weren't made to look gaudy nor were they shabby-looking. They instead created a beautiful contrast to the velvet. From the hilt to the tip as well as the scabbards, they were black. They weren't necessarily cold or threatening since down the blood groove there was a gentle symphony of colors much like the Aurora Borealis. The contrast within the blades created a curious feeling of comfort and expectation.

The comfort that life cannot be without death; the comfort that the blood will not create a hideous mark, but a welcomed addition. The expectation of another chance; the expectation of finding a new life elsewhere.

When Chao grabbed the two daggers, her hair changed to platinum, her eyes turned red and beneath her skin were blinding twinkling lights. Through the sunglasses, the lights weren't as intense although everything in the surrounding area lost its color.

It was strange. Everything was colorless. The people could see the distant mountains and ocean, but they did not see the buildings or most of the ground beneath their feet. 'Like having clear glass surrounded by mirrors on all sides.' If they didn't look too far beyond, that is what their surroundings were. They could see the people and energy, but they could not see any other large physical masses.

Chao played with the daggers in her hands while mentally chanting in her head. After a couple seconds of playing, she thrust them forward and turned in opposite directions. Her left dagger turned clockwise while the right turned counterclockwise. A set of doors similar to the daggers appeared and opened. The eight below felt their consciousness ebb away into nothingness. The crowd saw eight sets of flesh turn into water, bones to earth, souls to fire and breaths to wind.

The water was guided into the green part of the Borealis. The earth was guided to the orange part. The fire was guided into the yellow part and the wind was blown into the pink. After half an hour, the daggers were turned in opposite directions and the doors closed fading into nothing. Chao touched the scarlet on her gloves with the tips of the blades causing them to disappear along with the lights beneath her skin.

Finally she exhaled and placed the daggers in their scabbards. Furvus came forward with the velvet and wrapped the daggers once more while Gladys came forward slowly lifting the top. If the top was lifted before daggers were fully enveloped, the two items would reactivate swallow the surrounding area. Furvus finished wrapping and the purple thread began unravelling once more.

Chao's hair and eyes slowly reverted back to their darkness. Closing her eyes before opening them once more, she smiled lazily. "Ta-da! They have all been "reset"! I hope you all enjoyed the show. Now I would like for everyone hear to spread the word that I will be hosting a banquet in a week!" The crowd removed the sunglasses and walked away conflicted.

On one hand, the execution was so unique and breathtaking that calling it a simple show wouldn't do it justice. On the other hand, they're all dead! They won't be on the continent! Not even in the form of fertilizer! No one besides her knows where exactly they're going or what they'll be doing in the meanwhile. Is 5oul 5ociety*** real?!

"Gladys, Furvus, get a door ready. I need it to go straight to the front door of the manor." She smiled weakly.

"Yes my lady. It shall be done." Furvus and Gladys both answered. Furvus crouched on the ground implanting crystals while Gladys gave her a revitalizing juice and massage. A minute later Furvus nodded to Gladys and the two switched places. Gladys would fine tune the teleportation sequence while Furvus would continue to comfort Chao. Every time she executed the traitors, it took a toll on her. She had to break them down into the purest elements and watch over their journey whilst also controlling her powers. Otherwise, she would pull the planet into a different plane of reality. An alternate universe if you would.

Another minute later, Gladys patted Furvus' shoulder. "My lady, we are ready to go." "Is Furvus' dog ready as well?" "Yes, now would you like to stand during the trip or otherwise?"

Chao eyed Furvus and Gladys before closing her eyes wearily. "I want to lay down for a bit." Furvus spoke with a voice as smooth as silk, "We don't have a bed or a chaise lounge."

"I don't caaare! I just wanna layyy! I just want to lie down! Give me a piggyback ride if we don't have a beddd! Please~" She whined and pouted softly hitting the two men. "Alright." Gladys bent down slightly while Furvus helped Chao on as she fell asleep. "Have a good rest my lady." Furvus brushed some of her curly mane behind her ear.

"I'm hungry." She mumbled. "Hurry up."

"As you wish Lady Chao."