Bad Kids, Playing One* at the Ball

The next few days were peaceful until the day before the ball when tragedy struck.

"Oh noooooooo!" Bea screeched and jumped on Albus.

"What hap- oh noooooooo!"

Furvus walked in plugging his ears with his fingers, "What are you two screaming abo- no! No! No! No! This can't be happening!"

They were all squirming and squealing when they heard a low growl. "What did you lot do this time?" As if they were all linked, they turned slowly only to turn pale when they saw Gladys standing in the doorway. "What did you break?" His seemingly justified question and low rumble sounded like their death sentence. All three broke out into a cold sweat and exchanged eye contact in the short time that they could.

In agreeance, Bea was kept back while Furvus was sent forth as a martyr with Albus for support. "Big bro! How's your mask coming along?"

"I told you I finished it yesterday. Are you dumb? Have you still not finished yours?" Gladys looked at him in disbelief and disdain before switching to suspicion. "You told me you stayed up last night and managed to finish a couple hours ago." While Furvus was busy lamenting as he bit his tongue, Albus tagged in, "We just wanted to make sure you chose an animal that matches you y'know? It'd be pretty bad if your face didn't match your methods y'know? It would be bad. Really bad."

"Why are you so nervous Albus? Forget it, you probably think I chose the wrong animal or you think I'm mad that you got Furvus of all people to ask me." He sighed slightly and answered her arbitrary and suspicious activity, "I chose a bear and made it so that it changes type depending on the circumstances."

As the three spoke, Bea his something behind her back and in her pockets while slowly backing away towards the window. "Bea!" She jumped and looked at Gladys, "Yes love?"

"Come here. All of you are acting suspicious." She gulped and tried to deflect. "I can't go over to you! You'll display some PDA in front of the other two while playing with me?" She even tried pouting to boost her attack.

Sadly, she was up against a boss who was immune at that moment. "If you don't come here, I'm going over there. If you still insist on dodging me, I'm locking all three of you in here and you'll miss your precious ball." Gasping at his super effective threat, she resigned. "I'll go over there. You two can die with me as well."

She didn't let him react before exposing what was in her hands. Her slightly chubby face had tears streaming down and blood flushed cheeks. "I'm sorry I broke it! I didn't mean to!"

He was puzzled until her saw one of his precious blenders broken. His grey eyes became flat as he looked at her. "If sorry and not meaning it were defensible, then we wouldn't need punishments."

"Ahhhh! This is why we were scared! Please at least spare us?" Albus and Furvus both spoke with pitiful voices before being completely shut down. "You parameciums tried to distract me." After tossing them all into a row in front of him, he cracked his knuckles and summoned a glass of water. "Say your prayers, although those three won't listen."


…Please hold…

Gladys exited the room looking only slightly appeased while the broken blender lay in his hands sadly. Inside the room, all three were shaking. Furvus was sweating blood, Albus was massaging her slightly swollen wrists, and Bea was repeating "I will not use others things in reckless experiments without supervision."

It was quite tragic and comedic at the same time. It was humorous since all three had "Bad kid" written on their foreheads and a sign in front of them saying, "We can only eat bitter cucumber today."

When Neutrum asked Gladys why he chose cucumbers, he told him about how a woman with freckles told a young girl that her attitude was so abysmal that she should marry a cucumber since her beauty will fade as she gets older leading her husband to abandon her for someone more beautiful**.

He laughed heartily and continued eating his deep sea demon fish.

The three who were suffering could only cry silently as Gladys ate in front of them.

. . .

Finally, the day of the ball came. The morning and afternoon were spent decorating and getting dressed. After linner, guests started arriving in front of the Byzantine style estate.

They evidently wanted to show off their power so when they arrived, they anticipated the chance to be snobbish to their hosts. Unexpectedly though, only the maids, butlers, and other subordinates greeted them. Seeing all the ogres, horses, and stymphalian birds, they just shrugged.

'Those three have miraculous objects that they've made themselves that don't require any helpers. They can even open holes in reality to other dimensions. What's this peacocking compared to them?'

When the guests stepped into the ballroom they were speechless and flabbergasted. The decor was not delicate, flattering, or elegant. It was gunmetal grey with bloodred undertones and golden embroidery where needed. It felt overbearing, dangerous, and teasing. The tables did not have any specific assignments but three tables in particular had cards with names on them. They further confused the guests, but some still decidedly ignored all that to wait for the chance to shut down the upstart they called Lady Chao.

Snacks, desserts, and refreshments decorated the long tables on either side of the room. Seeing that their host was not present yet, the small powers began conversing and sitting themselves. About an hour later, a group entered the room. Automatically, eyes were on them.

A group of what seemed to be children silently walked to the table labelled "Ten Tails." They wore suits and dresses. The girls all wore dresses with waist bands that had a kind tail hanging behind them. The girls with masks of clouds and mist both wore soft, flowy grey 1-shoulder dresses. The last girl with a moon mask wore a pale yellow pouf dress.

A boy with a night mask wore a midnight blue suit with a yellow tie matching the moon girl. Another boy with a comet mask wore a black suit with a pale yellow pocket square and a tie with moons on it. The boy next to him with a meteor mask wore a suit without a tie opting for a navy blue bowtie. A young boy wore a sun mask and wore a yellow suit. Another boy with a mask of wind wore a crisp white suit while the boy next to him wore an earth mask and a rich brown suit. The last young boy wore a water mask and a seagreen suit.

All the masks allowed people to see their eyes making them seem otherworldly. Cometes sat next to Luna and complimented her in a low voice, "You look beautiful." She snorted, thankful that he couldn't see her face, "My face is covered so you can't even tell if it's pretty or not." He smiled a little and dropped an atomic bomb on her, "It's traditional to only say that when a woman's style is changed, otherwise I would've told you that everytime I see you and you'd get tired of hearing my voice then, right?"

He further leaned towards her but looked straight into her eyes. Watching her eyes flutter and widen, he chuckled before turning to Solis, "Do you have the cards?"

"Of course! These things are tiring until everyone is on the same page!" He then turned to Noctis, "You made sure to bring the machine too right?"

He nodded in confirmation. Seeing this, Solis pulled out One cards and handed them to Meteorum to shuffle. The guests nearly fell over seeing them leisurely play a game that they didn't even recognize. Inrigo won the first round after cheating with Noctis and Solis, so they decided to play on teams. Solis + Noctis, Ventus + Caligo, Nubis + Tellus, Luna + Cometes, and Inrigo + Meteorum.

Inrigo smirked at the pairs making Meteorum smile as well. "We're going to win this round again right lil bro?" "Of course."

Caligo looked at Nubis and provoked her, "We've been split up this time, so there's no holding back. I doubt you'd even have a chance, though." As expected, Nubis began emanating a cool chill as she lightly spoke, "That remains to be seen."

And so, an intense round was played with plus 4s and 2s getting stacked along with numbers and colors. At the end of their second round of One, Luna and Cometes came first, Noctis and Solis came second and Tellus and Nubis came third. They played for another hour before another group walked in.