So scary

At the moment, Bea finally returned some dignity to Gladys so he could fend off some admirers. Well, it went more like this-

Gladys: Get up.

Bea: Disobedient husbands don't get to speak.

Gladys: If you do not get up by the time I count to 3 be prepared to leave the ball early because we'll be taking a trip to make children.

Bea: You wouldn't-

Gladys: 1, 2-

Bea: Okay! Jeez, what's gotten into you? You're being quite a ferocious bear.

Gladys: (glaring at a king who'd been eyeing Bea's legs) I'm going to have some business conversations.

Bea: What?

Gladys: I'm going for a walk.*

Furvus: (finding the phrase familiar)

Albus: Oh poppycocks!

Furvus: Damn it. Bea! Coddle your teddy bear!

Albus: Too Late!

So, Gladys overbearingly patted the man's shoulder, and with the "friendliest" mask, took him for a little stroll. He's quite violent you know? It's not like Bea could do anything either. She's blind to her charms and spoils that man rotten. So to keep the peace, Albus got Chao to reign him in. But she didn't do it well, so Serenus stepped in.

Basically, it went something like-

Chao: Hey, Gladys! I see your paws are all over my guest. Are you planning on stripping yourselves down to cheat on your wives?

Yeah, maybe it wasn't such a great idea to remind him of what that man might've been thinking of when he was watching Bea. So before the man was almost castrated after getting beaten thoroughly, Serenus stopped him by reminding him that he could use that man to teach Bea a lesson on how beautiful she is.

No he didn't let the man get his way. He simply made him kneel in front of her and confess all the thoughts he had. Ah, Bea matches Gladys and then some in terms of anger. With the brightest smile, sharpest knife, and a summoning, they had a great time.

First they summoned his wife. Then they had him tell her all the women he'd fantasized about and ended up bedding. Livid and unafraid, the two women began toying with the man while Gladys kept people out.

"What's one thing you'll remember about that ball?" asked one king to another later.

"There are many things I learned. One of them is the reaffirmation that 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' and the other is that a devoted man is a killer man when he has a doting wife as well."

. . .

At the Almairusks territory, there was a standoff. Neutrum glared at a group of men while behind him was all the women at the ball and some men.

"Diana! Get over here!"

"No! I will not!"

"John, didn't you say we would be allies?"

"We still are."

"So why are you on his side?"

"I'm smart and have excellent foresight."

"Are you on their side because of "excellent foresight," Lianne?"

"No. They're beautiful, handsome, smart, and sweet. I like them more than you."

"I'm your husband!"

"Doesn't seem like you're as smart as King John then."

Chao's smile grew increasingly wider as the kings and queens disputed with one another. As she did so, a breeze began picking up around her. Turning to her, Serenus didn't feel the breeze, but sensed the volcano below and saw scratches appearing on people's cheeks. "Inamorato, you have to solve this soon or she'll erupt. We don't want her to blame herself later for messing up the plans, right?"

He nodded as he grabbed Chao's waist. Pulling her to his side, he spoke to the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen. I ask that you calm yourselves, otherwise I will not be held responsible for what would come next."

He ran his hand up and down her waist while Serenus stood in front of her with her hands on either side of Chao's face. "Darling, you have to calm down. You can't do this yet."

'Wow, let's look at their shameless affection! Maybe they'll even hold their wedding right this very moment!'

'Wait is she not trembling?'

'It would appear to be so.'

'Her eyes are flickering as well. Between purple and ... black?'

'Lady Serenus' voice is a bit strained as well.'

'Lord Neutrum's cheeks are flushed.'

'Do arguments make them unwell?'

"Yes they do. Now would you all stop speculating and actually do as I said? Also, before you ask, yes. We can listen to your inner thoughts."


"If someone screams like that again, I will personally take care of them." Unfortunately for King John's ally, the skin of his middle finger was sliced in half while Neutrum spoke. "Good, now we can move on." He moved his hand away from Chao's waist, brought a chaise lounge chair for the three of them to lay on.

"Our Kingdom will be called Immisceo. We will be open to trade with other kingdoms, groups, and other affiliates as long as the innocent are not exploited. Citizens are free to live here if they so desire, and other leaders are free to converse with us to implement any new systems they'd like in their places."

Chao suddenly spoke up while squeezing the hands of the other two, "We come here not to brutalize and kill, but to cause a revolution of rebirth. We will have two militaries, one belongs to the people of Immisceo, while the other is our personal army. I solemnly swear that our personal army will never get involved with matters involving other places. I can promise that we will never start a war unless you provoke us first, but that is why Serenus is in charge of diplomacy."

"Yes, and if you need to reach either of us, feel free to do so. If we are preoccupied, then refer to our task groups." A queen raised her hand, (she doesn't know why she did herself), and asked "What task groups?"

"The two you saw today. The group of young children are called the Tails, while the other calls themselves the Claws." answered Serenus.

"They're under our direct command, so don't even think of trying to somehow take their loyalty." Sensing the greed, Neutrum automatically shut them down. "If you wish to discuss out alliance further, please raise your hand. Those who wish to dissociate themselves may do so. We will not interfere in any way whatsoever with your internal affairs. However, if your people do come here, we are not to be held liable as we allow anyone and everyone to come to Immisceo."

The Kings, Queens, and Rulers looked in various directions to think. "Take your time. We wouldn't want any rash decisions." Chao smirked and stroked Serenus' hair while Neutrum fed grapes.

As expected, only 60 out of the 99 kingdoms present, (Nana's in bed remember?), were able to decide easily. "We don't want to wait around forever, and the author is in the mood for Ting and Ning** so we'll have a trial."


"Those who need more time to warm up their brains can have 6 months to make a decision. By then, we'll have the basics done, so it should be enough proof to convince you whether to join or not." Serenus had finished all the grapes and was yawning, so Neutrum had Chao carry her up to bed while he wrapped things up. "When you've decided that you absolutely want to be a part of us, then stamp your kindgom's insignia on the wax plaque you saw earlier when coming in. We the hosts will be retiring now, so feel free to socialize for another hour before heading to the guest rooms."

Serenus' yawning infected everyone, so they all just decided to sleep and hopefully dream about the pros and cons. The children had long gone to bed with team Noctis and Inrigo racking in 2,000 in cash and more in goods like coupons for free meals in palaces.

. . .

In their room the almairusks laid interlocked with one another, a leg over theirs or in between that pair, arms wrapped around one or over them. They'd cleaned up and put on their pajamas. Chao wore pants while topless, Serenus wore a shirt without pants of any kind, and Neutrum just wore his underwear. Just before they fell into the darkness, they spoke. "Good night."