
Ru Wei Shi was finally free from her last successful mission and decided to treat herself to her favourite spicy pizza at the little cafe by her house.

With mouth drooling at the sight of the steamy hot love of her life "PIZZA"!!!. She just took the first juicy bite of heaven when a drunk driver lost control and rammed into the cafe killing her instantly.

Her last thoughts "noooo!!! My pizzaaaa.....!!!To her astonishment she opened her eyes again. But what greeted her was a different world lying on the ancient bed her elite training subconsciously made her alert to any dangers around her as she assessed her situation calmly. She seemed to be in historical looking room that she once saw in a Chinese museum of history but the quality was quite exquisite from which she understood it's a wealthy family home as she tried to stand a dizzy spell took hold of her that almost made her fall flat on her face.

Suddenly a flood of foreign memories flashed in her mind. A beautiful honey sweet voice echoed in her mind filled with endless sorrow and grief as it said " save them please i was too weak to stand by their side but you are stronger then me please You must!! Save them change our fate raise us from the ashes of demise I beg of you!!!"

I saw the memories of this pitiful little 14 years old girl who tried to be strong but was too scared to act before. But she was not weak she was one of the strongest persons she has ever met. When the black clothed man tried to force his way in to her big brother's room who was already in the jaws of heart wrenching pain from his poisoned body screaming at her to run despite his pain. She took his sword and stood tall with shaking knees she faced the man but she was just a girl of boudoir not a soldier of war how could she defend against a veteran assassin even if he was only lower grade. She bought enough time for others to come to the rescue but at the cost of her life. She had just been declared in a coma from excessive bleeding and no hope of survival as she breathed her last Ru Wei shi breathed her first in this strange world.

"You are not weak strength is not a quality of the body. It is of the soul. You protected the ones you loved without hesitation knowing you will die but you chose to still stand that is strength. Even when fear sunk it's claws into your soul you still stood tall that is strength. You gave your life for your loved ones to have a chance at life that is strength! Now tell me where were you weak! Go in peace for I promise you I will protect the ones you love for giving me the honour of living again as a strong person."

"thank you" she whispered as I felt her presence disappear.