chapter 4

Prince Eric was surprised to find a girl washed up on the beach, knowing he was in the same situation as her feeling lost, when he arrived he didn't mean to suprise her, he had to guess what happened to her and he knew she was unable to walk properly so he decided to carry her to his castle so that she could stay a couple of nights and get to know her a bit more.

back to the present Ariel was having a nice bubble bath and fresh clean outfit to wearwithin the big castle that prince Eric carried her towards ,once she finished getting dressed one of prince Eric servants showed her to the dinning room where prince Eric was waiting for her ,Grimsby is prince Eric right hand man was surprised how stunning Ariel was in the dress , Grimsby made a suggestion to prince Eric to give Ariel a tour of the village ,the next day prince Eric tock Ariel for a tour of the village and seeing how happy she was and gave a nice Romanic boat ride they charged Eric guses her name and they almost kissed but fell in the pond thanks to usular companions tipping the boat on it side.