A sign of things to come

1. Track down The Wanderer. _x_

2. Visit the eternal blue flame in Hateno Village. ___

Meeting The Wanderer was a bit more… dramatic than I had expected. After returning to the village last night, he wasn't as chatty as I had hoped, but he promised to answer my questions after he had slept.

Well, it's 11a.m. and he's still asleep in his room.

*Knock Knock Knock*

*Knock knock* My foot began to tap.

Still, silence was my only answer.

*Knock Knock Knock Knock!*

The door swung ajar and within there was no one to be found. The bed he had stayed in was made, and not a trace of anything belonging to him had been left behind.

Quickly, I threw on my cloak and dashed out the door. I untied my donkey from the fencepost and rode south, hoping to catch him before he reached the Kakariko bridge.

My Donkey, Reverend Julio the IV, however was not exactly the hasty type.

"Cmon Julio," I pleaded. "Put some pepper in your stepper this is important!"

"Huffuh fuh fuh!" Was all he said. Which I think means something along the lines of 'Reymie, I'm doing my best, but I'm carrying you and all your things and I'm just not as young as I used to be.'

Which is a fair point but I can't let The Wanderer get away without answering my questions.

"You seem to be in a hurry," The Wanderer said as he rode up behind me.

"Kite…" I said.

"Trying to leave without saying goodbye?" He asked me.

"I… I could say the same to you!" I said. "I thought you left me behind…"

"A promise is a promise. And here, this is for your donkey," he said, tossing a carrot to me.

Reverend Julio the IV huffed. He's not so easily won over with simple snacks.

"Well," I said. "Let me get my notebook out and we'll get started."

We rode together south towards the bridge as I asked him questions.

"Favorite Color?" I asked.


"Purple?" I asked.

"Something wrong with that?" He glanced at me.

"No," I snickered. "S'just a stupid color."

"Next question," he said.

"Ok. What type of animal would you be?" I asked.

"Chipmunk," He said.

"I can never take you seriously again," I said.

"Well then what kind of animal would you be, then?" He asked.

"Easy. War Donkey," I confidently replied.

"Is that a thing?" He asked.

I grinned. I love when people ask.

"Well, my donkey, Reverend Julio the IV, happens to come from a long line of war donkeys. But he's left that life behind him in favor of traveling the world with me." I explained.

"You're quite an interesting person," he said.

"Well… Yea you're right, I am." I said. "Ok… last question."

"Go for it," he said.

"Why are you wandering?"

There was a pause. He opened his mouth to speak, but hesitated. He looked to the mountains around us, lost in thought.

"You first," he said.

"Me?... Uh… I'm on an adventure… I have this list," I said as I flopped my notebook around.

"So I've heard. But why?" he asked.

"...Dunno… Just bored I guess," I shrugged. "Your turn."

"You'd risk your life out of boredom?" He asked incredulously.

"Yea, sure." I replied.

I looked at him expectantly.

"Well, I guess if I had to label what I'm doing…" He began.

"Go on…" I coaxed, notepad in hand.

"I'm searching for a young woman…"

"OooOoo, saucy. Do tell," I said.

"She's about five foot, five inches tall. Brownish hair… Rides around on a donkey… If only I could find her," he said somberly.

"Right… I see… Brownish hair… wait… I have brownish hair… and I ride around on a… are you talking about me?!" I barked.

"Hm? What? No! I said a young woman!" He jabbed.

I cut my eyes at him.

"What's the matter?" He asked with his token grin.

"Ohhh nothing," I said. "I just hope you die."

Kite just smiled a toothy smile as he crossed the Kakariko bridge. We came to a fork in the road. One to the west, and the other to the east.

"I guess this is goodbye," I said.

"Hm… Yea I guess so," He replied.

"Maybe we'll run into each other again sometime?" I asked.

Secretly, strangely, I hoped we would.

"I wouldn't mind if we did," he said.

We both waved goodbye as we turned east.

"Uh." I said.

"Ahem," he replied. "Going my way after all, then?"

"I'm going east… towards Hateno…" I said. "Shouldn't you be riding off into the sunset, or something?"

"You make some interesting assumptions," he laughed.

"You have no inclination for dramatic direction," I said.

"I don't know how to take that," he replied.

I'm not sure what to do now. Do I ride next to him? Or should I fall behind? Would it hurt his whole 'Mysterious Wanderer' image if he were seen with me?

And why do I care?


Our ride to Hateno village took a little longer than expected. We weren't exactly in any hurry, but Kite and I were ambushed by a band of Bokoblins. We made short work of them.

"You're not half bad with a sword," Kite said as he sheathed his own.

"I know, imagine how powerful I would be if I could poof around like you can," I said.

"'Poof?' You mean teleport?" He asked.

"Poof is funner to say," I explained.

"I… I see… You're definitely a weird one. " I caught him gazing curiously at me.

"I'm not 'Weird,'' I said. "I am limited edition."

"Ok weirdo." He teased me offhandedly for the remainder of our trip.

Fortunately for him we arrived in Hateno, and his teasing ceased. Had it not I was going to loose Reverend Julio the IV on him.

As we wandered into town I caught a glimpse of an old house out on the edge of town that looked quite unlike the others, just across a bridge.

"Hey Kite, look at that house thing, just over there!" I said as I stood up on a fence to get a better look.

"It looks older than any of the buildings here. I wonder if anyone lives there," he answered.

"Hm.. sure is spooky looking-.... And speaking of spooky, look down there!" I said as I pointed down below the fence. There, tucked behind the hill we stood on was some sort of horned statue peering ominously into the distance.

The weight of my stuff in my backpack shifted forward and sent me rolling over the fence and plummeting downhill.

I landed face first in front of the statue.

"Aghhh…"I groaned in pain.

"Reymie? You ok?" Kite called to me as he came downhill with his horse and the good Reverend in tow.

"N'yea… Just hurt my favorite shoulder," I said rubbing my left shoulder.

"You have a favorite?" He asked.

"You don't?" I squinted at him doubtfully.

"Forget I asked," he said.

I rolled over, stood up, and patted the dirt off of myself.

"This town sure is full of creepy stuff," I said as I inspected the statue.

"Ahhh… So there are some who still pay me homage. What were you praying for? Long Life? Wealth, like so many of your kind? Whichever it was, you have come to the right pla-"

"Kite! Did you hear that?! Someone spoke!" I said abruptly.

"I-... I think it was the statue," he said.

"The statue?" I looked at it, and now, unlike before, it seemed to be surrounded by an ominous aura. "Alright statue, what gives? Was it you or what?"

"Hah, indeed mortal. It was I. I am a dealer in life and powe-"

"Well what do you know! It really was the statue!" I exclaimed.

"Yes! It was me! And I'm trying to monologue, so I would appreciate it if you would be so kind as to shut up and allow me to finish!" The statue shouted.

"Oh… Sorry, I'll be quiet," I said.

".... I don't know… it doesn't feel right anymore. It's been over one hundred years since anyone last heard me speak, and I just feel as if the dramatic tension is gone," the statue's ominous aura had been replaced by a morose one.

The statue had clearly not be kept up. There was moss growing up around it, bird droppings atop his head, and names of couples had been carved into it's side.

That's sort of sad.

"I'm looking for someone named Purah, sound familiar?" Kite suddenly said.

"If I answer will you sell me your life force?" The statue asked hopefully.

"No… But I promise I won't dig you up and toss you into the river," Kite answered with only a touch of malice in his words.

"I see… well in that case… she's an old Sheikah that lives on top of the hill overlooking Hateno to the north," the statue answered.

"Good talk," Kite said with a wave as he turned and headed towards the north.

I looked to Kite, and back to the statue as I grabbed Reverend Julio the IV's reigns.

"I'll come back later," I said. "Don't go anywhere."

"...If you insist…" The statue replied.

As we walked through the town, I noticed that many lanterns had been lit with a blue flame…

"Hey, Kite," I said.

"Hmm?" He said with a glance over his shoulder.

"Do you think that's the ancient blue flame?" I asked.

"No idea," he said with a shrug. "But they certainly do fit the description."

Hmm… The flame is only supposed to exist in two places. Ancient furnaces located here in the Hateno region, and another in Akkala.

Someone must have lit these lanterns with a flame from the furnace. I want to see that furnace.

As we walked through the little village, there were a few spots I made a note to check out tonight. The Kochi Dye Shop looked… interesting…

"You two aren't from around here," said a husky young man as he posted by a stable.

"Uh oh, Reymie," Kite said. "I think he's onto us."

"Onto us?" I asked as I looked from Kite back to the young man. I don't know what he's suspicious of, but I tried to look innocent.

"Are-... Are you ok?" He asked me.

"Hm?! Yes! I am well. And you, sir?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"You look like you're in pain," he said.

"Reymie has the social skills of a cabbage," Kite said.

"That's not exactly tru-" I began, but Kite interrupted me with a raised hand.

"-Silence, Cabbage." He turned back to the young man. "Now, what do you want?"

He just grinned at us, and folded his arms.

"My name's Manny, I watch over this village. I make it my personal mission to check out any girls that - … I mean… to check out anyone who… I… What I meant to say was-"

"This guy's kind of weird," I whispered to Kite.

"Who are you calling weird!?" Manny gasped.

"Reymie is sort of an expert on that subject, if anyone knows weird, it's her," Kite said.

"Why do I feel offended?" I asked.

"We're leaving," Kite said with a wave of his hands as he sauntered away.

I looked to Kite, back to Manny, and again to Kite.

I trotted to catch up with him. As I passed Manny, I cut a glare at him and said,

"We'll finish this later."


Kite and I talked back and forth a bit as we walked up a big hill. We decided to tie our valiant steeds off to a tree at the base of the hill. When I asked him why, he just shrugged and laid a few apples down for the two of them.

And he says I'm the weird one.

As we rounded a bend, a funny looking tower came into sight. It was still a good walk there, but I could already tell it wasn't quite like anything else around here.

Everything out here was so pretty and-

Kite suddenly reached out and blocked my way with his arm, nearly clotheslining me.

"There's something dangerous up ahead," he said.

"-You mean like your arm?" I asked him, pushing his arm away from me.

"No… something much worse than an arm," he said ominously.

"Worse than an arm!?" I feigned horror.

"But seriously, put this seal on your clothes and don't speak," He said as he handed me a seal.

Still can't read it. Still hope it's nothing bad. One day my unfounded trust in him may land me somewhere… regrettable.

I nervously stuck the seal on my chest, and looked to Kite.

He put a finger to his lips and motioned for me to follow.

It didn't take long for us to walk right up to a guardian. The area around it was littered with craters, marking the locations likely to be recent victims.

Though it was dormant now, if it detected us, it would surely try to kill us.

Whatever the seal was that Kite gave me, it must be working. The old thing didn't even look our way. It was as if we were spirits, strolling a land the living wouldn't dare roam.


We reached the tower without issue. Outside it, a blue flame was lit, that seemed to be powering the entire building.

"Magic?" I wondered aloud.

"Science!" Called the voice of the most adorable toddler I'd ever laid eyes on as she flung open the front door.

I was in a daze.

"Reymie, you gonna be ok?" Kite glanced at me.

"I wanna pick her up…" I whispered.

"Maybe don't do that," he said. "Hello, I'm-"

"-The Wanderer," she cut him off with a cute grin and made a peace sign with her fingers.

Kite looked past her, into the laboratory.

"I'm looking for Purah," he continued. "Would she happen to be your-"

"-I'm Purah," she said.

"...Purah, the century old Sheikah scientist?" Kite asked.

"Yep!" she chirped.

Kite only shrugged. "Not the strangest thing I've ever seen."

"I figured you wouldn't question it too muuuuuchh!" Purah danced about as she spoke, and ushered us inside.

"You seem to think you know a lot about me," Kite said.

"Important people make themselves known," she said as she clambered up onto a stool.

"What do you know about me?" I asked.

"... Who are you?" She asked me, her head tilting to the side.

I turned around and went to sulk in the corner.

Whilst I sulked, I perused her collection of books and trinkets. She had some really neat stuff. I can't believe I haven't heard of her. She's certainly worthy of the list. In fact, I think I'll go ahead and jot her down.

As I did, I overheard Kite and her speaking.

"I was told you might be able to help me with this sword," Kite said as he drew his black forgery.

"Ahhh… It's been quite a long time since I've seen that," Purah said with a curious tone.

"So you know of it," Kite said.

"I know quite a lot, yes." She began to trace the symbols along the blade. "Do you know it's name?" She asked him.

He only shook his head.

"These symbols say 'The Shadow of the Wind," do you know why that is?" She asked him.

Again, he shook his head.

"A god among us, guardian of the wind and skies, pulled the metal used in crafting this blade from his own heart. Neat, right? This sword is made from the essence of a dragon." As Purah spoke, she eyed Kite suspiciously.

Kite had reached up to his own heart, and was touching it gingerly.

"Would I be right if I guessed you didn't 'find' this sword?" She asked him.

He nodded.

"Well, I'm not sure what you're thinking, but just because you pulled this thing out of your heart, it doesn't mean you're a god. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's possible that Farosh wanted you to have it, for whatever reason," Purah explained.

"Well… Whenever it leaves my side, I start to turn…" Kite said.

"Ahhhhh… So you're one of those," Purah's interest in Kite was renewed.

There was a loud clanging noise as I accidentally knocked over a… some sort of metal, spinny whisker-doodle on a desk. They looked at me.

"Ahem, sorry… I'll just... gimme a sec," I picked up the whisker-doodle and put it back where it was. "Go on."

"Well… I have this old Necronomicon, which may be of use to someone in your position," Purah said.

"The What-a-whatacon?" I asked.

"The Necronomicon, a book of the dead," Purah said as she climbed inside of a chest and disappeared from sight. Various trinkets and pieces of junk began to fly from within it.

"Aha! Here it is," she exclaimed. "But, if you want it, you'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands…" she said as she emerged from within the chest.

There, held gingerly in her hands, was the What-a-whatacon, and clutching it were two old, pale, cold, dead hands.

Unphased, Kite took the book from her, and asked,

"How might I go about removing these things?"

"Well, the book itself will never burn, but I imagine the hands might," she said. "Try tossing it in the eternal blue flame."

"And this will help me?" Kite asked doubtfully.

"Maybe?" Purah shrugged.

Kite stuffed the book, hands and all, into his backpack, and headed for the door.

I looked to Purah.

"Reymie… My name is Reymie… I'm an adventurer," I said.

"Still not ringing any bells," she said apologetically.

"Dangit," I said, sulking out.


After crossing a valley, my little legs began to ache from all this walking. I began to wonder just how badly I wanted to see this stupid furnace, anyway. It's sure not worth all of this.

As we approached the furnace, I almost felt the need to withhold my excitement out of spite for the thing. I'm happy to be here, but I don't want it to know that.

Kite pulled the Thing-ama-cominon out and was just about to toss it in when-

"Don't do it!" Called out a desperate voice.

A pious looking woman was desperately running up the hill towards us. She looked tired. Can relate.

Kite raised a brow to her.

"Care to explain?" He asked her.

She held up a hand, begging for a moment's pause as she caught her breath.

"That thing is pure evil," she finally said.

"What thing?" Kite asked.

"I think she's talking about your Om-nom-nomicon," I explained.

"The what?" she said.

"That's what I said," I said.

There was a moment's silence.

Finally Kite turned back to the furnace and was about to toss the book in.

"Don't!" The woman cried out once more.

"Still waiting for that explanation," He said without looking at her.

"Those hands belong to the late priest, Gage Ivareal, rest his soul. His power lives on in them, sealing the book closed. Any who open it would unleash the spirit of death sealed within it's pages. Only a blade akin to the Master Sword could hope to slay it," she said.

"Hm, funny story, actually…" Kite said as he offhandedly tossed the ooggah-boggah-con into the blue flames.

Within seconds, a horrendous roar emanated from within the flames. We were enshrouded in swirls of darkness, the sky was blackened, and an aura of hatred and despair filled the air.

"Gluttony," a voice could be heard from within the furnace.

"Lust," the voice took on a body… a horribly disfigured humanoid began to clamber it's way out of the flames, it's body ignited by the fire it spawned from.

"Greed," It's bones were snapping in and out of place as it began to right itself before us.

I could only just make out the cowering voice of the woman as she desperately plead to the goddesses that we might survive.

"Prid-" The monsters speech was cut off as Kite drew The Shadow of the Wind and decapitated the creature. Within seconds the doom and gloom that once encapsulated all before us was sucked back into the Furnace, presumably the book, too.

The woman just stared at Kite in disbelief.

"See," Kite said as he quickly retrieved the book from the flames, hands removed. "That wasn't so bad."

"B-...but why!?" She exclaimed.

"Avid bookworn," Kite said as he waved the book over his head with one hand and sauntered towards the village with the other in his pocket.

"He's always like this," I said as I trotted along after him.


Coming back to Hateno I got to take a second look from a higher view. Unlike before, the little town was spread out before me, cascaded in the orange light of the setting sun, and I've got to say… It makes me miss home… just a little.

By the stable I could make out the silhouette of Manny as he appeared to be squinting at me.

I squinted even harder at him.

"You're going to give yourself a headache," Kite said.

"I fear nothing," I said through gritted teeth, my squint unblinking.

"A little fear can be healthy, I think," he said as he twiddled some dice between his fingers.

Manny finally blinked and sulked away in defeat.

I began to blink rapidly… victoriously… my eyes watering… the tears of future victory…

"I think you're wrong," I said as I wiped away my victory eye water.

He only glanced at me out of the corner of his eye.

I picked up a roley poley and flicked it down the hill… Frikin hate bugs.

"I mean… I'm saying fear is just that feeling we get when faced with something… unsettling… I've decided to be brave in spite of that feeling...." I said.

Kite turned to me with a curious look I hadn't seen before. For the first time he looked as if he was genuinely listening to me.

"Don't look at me like that, it's creeping me out…" I heard my mouth say. Why would I say that! Agh!

"Ah. Sorry. I was just… taken a bit off guard… that was very unlike you," he said.

I shrugged. "I say really smart stuff all the time… S'just most of the time no one is around to hear it..."

Kite laid down on the slope of the hill we stood on. The wind gently rolled across the grassy slope. I let down my hood, and joined him there. Together we watched the clouds roll overhead. I glanced at him, and saw him looking intently at the sky, his brow furrowed. I can't help but wonder what he's thinking about… what does someone like him mull over? What could possibly have someone like him so concerned?

"Hey Reymie?" Kite spoke to me suddenly.

"Sup?" I said as I blew a butterfly off my nose.

"Do you have any friends?" He asked.

What type of question is that?

"Of course I have friends," I said.

"And where are they?" He asked.

"Well, Reverend Julio the IV is tied up with your horse, and then there's Manny… I feel like he and I really hit it off… And one time this produce vendor gave me some carrots after I gave him some money," I said, counting on my fingers.

"Do you have any real friends?" He asked.

"Whoa! Julio is definitely a real friend!" I exclaimed. "What about you, then? Where are all of your friends?!"

"I accidentally killed everyone I've ever known." He said it so plainly. So matter of factly. I almost thought he was joking, but his eyes were deadly serious. I opened my mouth to speak, but the words wouldn't come.

All of my own problems… all of the things I ran away from suddenly seemed so small…

"You're all alone?" I asked him.

He shrugged, but instead of looking away, he looked into my eyes. I rolled onto my side a little. I couldn't look away from him.

"I'm all alone too," I said.

"Kinda sucks sometimes, doesn't it?" He asked me. His lips were slightly apart. His breathing was slower than normal.

I nodded.

"Kite, will you please be friends with me?" I whimpered. "I'm actually really lonely and I lied about what I said about fear… I'm scared all the time… but I haven't been for the last couple of days… I'm not scared with you… I'm not scared of you."

Before I knew it, I had said so much more than I ever meant to say to anyone. I gave Kite a power over me that I regretted immediately. If he sighs and rolls away, or turns me down I'll cr-

"-Yea, I'm fine with that." He said. For a few seconds, we looked at one another.

I felt a strange feeling in my stomach all of a sudden.

"Ohhhh… I think I'm gonna throw up…" I said.

And so, the Adventurer and The Wanderer became friends… maybe even best friends…