V. I Chapter 8: Please, Not Again

"If you just give me the reaction I'm looking for, this will all stop, Ciel. Just stop fighting me. It will only hurt you. I'm doing this for you, after all."

Ciel gasped as the ropes around him tightened until it felt like they would snap. Remembering his lessons, Ciel took the pain and turned it into pleasure, until he was panting and flushed.

"That's a good boy. Now, I want to see this reaction every time. If not, I'll make you do it ten times more for each failure." Those blue eyes flashed as a grin exposed teeth. "You promised, didn't you? Now, just a bit more, then he'll come back. He'll see what I did to you, and he'll finally come back. You want that, don't you?"

Ciel's eyes teared up as his mother laughed coldly. What had happened? Why was this happening to him? Why did he have to do this? He didn't want this anymore. He would do anything to get out of it. He wanted it so bad he would kill himself--

"This is all your fault!" his mother screamed, slapping him. "If it weren't for you, this never would have happened! This is your punishment! You will be punished for the rest of your life! It's all your fault he left! That pretty white skin, those elegant blue eyes, that shiny black hair-- let's see how long you look like him!"

Ciel screamed, but couldn't do anything because of how he was bound in rope as his mother cut his face with her nails, pulling his hair and hitting him.

"Become mine, Ciel! Become my slave, and everything will go back to how it was! Just give into me, and everything will go back to normal!"


Ciel woke drenched in sweat, breath quick and heartbeat racing. He cupped his face in his hands, trying to control his breath and heart. A bad dream-- that's all he'd let it be. His nose picked up on the smell of mint, and his mind tried to force him back in the memory, but he calmed himself as he looked around his room.

On his dresser, was a small glass of gold oil and incense sticks burning, creating the smell. Next to it, a folded piece of paper was laying.

Ciel reached out hesitantly, unfolding the crisp white sheet. His heart both slowed and sank a bit as he observed the writing.

- Dear Nii-chan,

------Sorry for just breaking in, but I was hungry. Step-Father is in Japan, and that woman is following him. Just thought you wanted to know. You really need to get better food in your fridge.

--------------------------- Your face is stupid,

-------------------------------------------------------- The Brother You Met Once.

P.S. I took some food on the go. You may need to restock your house.

Ciel's fist crumpled the paper. That no-good son of a-- Ciel stopped himself, shredding the paper apart. He'd deal with his intruder on a later date. He had to go to work.

Ciel took a shower, dressed in a black and white suit, and armed himself with the Desert Eagles before getting into his car and driving the the LEO Corp. building.

"Good morning, Ciel," the guard said.

"Good morning," he replied, smiling briefly before stepping into the elevator. He calmed himself down as he rose up. He couldn't let his idiot of a brother ruin his work.

Ciel was half Japanese and half English. This half-brother was on his father's side, a near purebred Englishman.

Ciel made his way to his office, slightly surprised to find a cup of steaming coffee on his desk. He smiled. Jaeyline must have arrived early and made it for him. Ciel thought she was a very sweet person. Naturally kind and compassionate while being completely serious about the things that mattered to her.

"Good morning, Ciel," Jaeyline said, walking into his office.

"Good morning, Jaeyline," he replied, smiling slightly. "Thanks for the coffee."

"Thanks for all your hard work," she countered. She was smiling. "Want to pick up the phone?" she asked playfully as it started ringing.

Ciel laughed as he picked it off the reciever. "Hello? This is CEO Ciel Michaelis. How may I help you?"

"Oh, so this is what my son sounds all grown up! Amazing what a few years of puberty will do to you. Anyway, darling, I'm in a bit of a pinch and I need you to come pick me up at the English Mafia's main base. Think you can get here in thirty? See you soon."

Ciel froze, unable to lower the phone even after line went dead.

"Ciel...?" asked Jaeyline.

"I'm sorry, but I just remembered I have something to do," he whispered, dropping the phone and bolting from the office.

"Good morning, Mr.-- Woah!"

Ciel ran through the building, knocking employees over, barely clicking the bathroom lock in place before he was retching over the toilet.

"Mr. Ciel! Are you okay?!"

Ciel just wiped his mouth, unlocking the stall and moving to the sink, washing his mouth out and coughing.

"How are you, Sir?"

"Tell Jaeyline I'm going out," he croaked. "I need to go."

"But Sir!"

"Get out of my way!" Ciel snarled, lips pulled away from pearly white teeth. He didn't care about anything anymore. Only that his clock was ticking down to four minutes. Ciel stormed out of the bathroom, sliding into the elevator before anyone could call him again.

Ciel's foot pressed on the glass, the needle inching near one-twenty. He had three minutes.

"Just face it Ciel, you're nothing without me!"

His foot pressed harder on the pedal.

"Worthless garbage!"

The needle neared one-forty.

"How dare you look so much like him! You should be dead!"

Ciel's hands were clenched hard around the steering wheel.

"You said you would go through hell for me! Were you lying to me?!"

Tears fell from Ciel's eyes. Why... after all this time of abuse... was he still doing this?


It took only ten minutes to get in, find his mother, and take her out of the Mafia base. His hands were dripping red with blood, blood he was wiping off with a handkerchief, watching his mother warily out of the corner of his eye.

"Wow. You're doing so well for yourself. Amazing, as you used to be unable to stand for periods of time," she said in a gentle, kind voice. Ciel's mother was in her mid-forties, but she looked like someone in their mid-twenties, beautiful, graceful, yet mature. Her platinum blonde hair swirled in the wind, just as long as Ciel's. "What? No hello for your own mother? I'll have to punish you."

Ciel's blood went cold. "H-hello, Mother. How are you?" he asked, hands shaking slightly as she walked closer to him.

"You grew up well. So pretty and handsome. I wonder just how much endurance you have now that you're older and have gotten a break."

Ciel stiffened slightly as his mother reached up and traced his cheekbone, skin prickling at her cold touch. He remembered. She'd always felt cold.

"Ciel, darling, lick my finger," she murmured.

Ciel's stomach turned, but, dreading what would happen if he refused, he parted his lips and obeyed. He clenched his fist so hard his nails bit into his palm as his head snapped to the side, driven by the force of the blow his mother delivered, quick and brutal. And strategically placed at his temple, to deliver him as much pain as possible without causing too much recognizable damage. Ciel remained on his feet for only seconds before the pain from that vulnerable spot kicked in and he was on the pavement, his head throbbing like a bell was banging around in his head. He felt himself being picked up and forced into the car, his head still hurting bad enough where he couldn't move. Then they were moving. Ciel recovered slowly, and by that time, the car was already parked in the parking lot of a cafe.

"Get out."

Ciel was shaking slightly as he got out of the car, tugging at his hair.

Faster than an asp, Acasia lunged forward, grabbing his hair and yanking until his head was under hers and he had to twist his head in order to look at her. She smiled at him before letting him go. "Let's go. I hear this place is famous in London."

As soon as Ciel stepped into the building, he knew something was wrong.

"Hello. Welcome, Ma'am and Sir. Would you like a table? And how many of you would like to have our daily special? Today we're using rope to wrestle in the robins and sparrows and even lions and tigers."

"I'd love a table, and one of us will be having the special. This is my son. Isn't he just beautiful?"

An edgy smile appeared on the face of the waiter. "Absolutely delectable. This way, Ma'am. Sir, just wait right here until our specialist comes out."

Ciel was wound tighter than the spring in Jerry's guns. He tapped his foot nervously until a man about the same size and structure as him walked out of the back room to meet him. The man had black hair and green eyes, and he was holding a long stretch of thin rope. "Welcome."

Ciel was backing away, but someone behind him grabbed him, tying his hands behind his back. He tried to break away, but not even his assassin training could have saved him now. He was too far in the lion's den, the lion's den being both his mother's control and the S&M Cafe his mother had driven them to. Ciel was dragged further inside, where he saw people lined up in the cleared out space in the middle of the cafe, one man kneeling in the center tied up with rope and another "specialist" grinding his knee into the man's back.

Ciel tore his gaze away, wincing as the man screamed, the ropes tightening around him until he bled. His disgust rose as he heard someone say, "So weak."

"This one has a rush order," he said to the specialist now stepping on the man who'd fallen to the ground, salavating with pleasure.

"Please, a little more time! This feels so good...!" he begged, writhing on the floor.

Ciel looked away as the man begged for more time. This was actually better than he expected, but if it was better, there had to be some hidden catch. He looked up at the black-haired man as he approached with a new strand of rope. He looped it around the back of Ciel's neck, crisscrossing it over his chest after tossing his shirt away. They tied his hands in front of him this time, tied tightly with the one around his neck, so he was hunched over as he sat cross-legged on the tile.

Ciel strained, but the ropes were strong.

"Let's start."

Ciel bit his lip to keep from crying out as the ropes tightened around him, chafing and squeezing until he felt like he was about to burst. The two specialists each had a foot planted on his back, pulling the ropes like a corset until he felt like his ribs would break."

"Come on, Ciel. Give us a show," Acasia whispered.

Ciel grit his teeth before letting the sound building inside him loose. A cry came from his mouth as the ropes tightened even more, and he struggled to breath through the crushing ropes. His cheeks flushed and beads of sweat dripped down his chest.

"Such a delicious reaction. I could just eat you up," the black haired man said, his breath hot against Ciel's flushed body.

Ciel flinched and made a startled noise as something hot and moist dragged along the back of his neck. He was panting as a fist formed in his hair, dragging his head back though he was still in that hunched position. His joints screamed at the unnaturalness, and his eyes grew teary from the pain. The tongue, the one that had licked the back of his neck, lapped up the tears building at the corners of Ciel's eyes, and the black haired man smiled at him. "You are absolutely amazing," he whispered hotly.

More tears dripped from Ciel's face as the man let go of Ciel's rope, giving it to the other specialist, kneeling in front of Ciel.

Ciel's body shook as the man forced his head up, trying to break away as the man licked up the trail of tears, licked the corner of Ciel's lips.

"Ah. You're not allowed to kiss him," his mother called suddenly, sipping her coffee. She smiled kindly. "Please."

"Of course, Ma'am," he replied. "There are plenty of other spots to lick, now aren't there. Now, Ciel, give me a good sound."

Ciel kept his mouth shut, but made a strangled noise as the ropes got even tighter. He panted, letting out a moan.

The man licked his lips hungrily and rummaged around in the pocket of his pants, pulling something with a buckle from them.

And Ciel was powerless as the man fastened the muzzle over his face, forcing the round metal ball into Ciel's mouth where it gagged him. He squirmed as the man ran his hands down Ciel's throat possessively, shuddering as people around them started watching with hungry, lustful gazes. Ciel turned his gaze away from a heated man rubbing himself, moaning into the cold ball as the waiter who'd seated his mother fitted his mouth over Ciel's chest.

Ciel was crying silently as the cafe had their way with his body, though his pants stayed on. He was so sick of this, so why couldn't he stop? Why couldn't he just leave? A pair of ice blue eyes appeared in his mind and he whimpered. Of course.

Ciel met his mother's eyes, reading the smugness and calculating cruelty, but also the underlying layer of pride hidden deep within them. He closed his own even as another sob hit him. That's right. He would never leave, even if he wanted to. He promised he'd go through Hell and back for his mother, and he didn't lie. Even after all this, he'd still make the promise over and over again. Because that look in her eyes when he did what she wanted was precious and rare.

Let his mother beat him. Let her send him into these dens of sin. He would embrace them all, with the things his mother had taught him.

Ciel pulled himself together, his tears drying. One last pearly, sparkling tear made its way down his face. He was done fighting. It was time to just give up the fight.

But the tear wasn't because of hopelessness. The tear was because Ciel had another scene appear in his mind. One of his father, mother, and himself smiling in a field of flowers. A tear, because he would never have that again.

But Ciel couldn't stop the wayward thought of his. Please... not again.




Acasia Fullmao Michaelis - F - 54 years old

Likes: her husband, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???

Dislikes: clingy people, whiny people, her son, ???

Strengths: destroying people's spirits, ???, ???

Weaknesses: ??????????????????????????