The Goodbye

Fang prepared the breakfast for his hungry tenants. The two cultivators were still in bed. He had woken up at dawn in order to make breakfast and prepare his energies. Setting the food on the table, he smiled and retreated to the makeshift kitchen.

Yawning, Tang Yunxin walked into the room. Seeing a large breakfast waiting for him, he sat down. Exhausted from the previous night, he began to gorge himself on the food. Chomping down on each delicious bun, he sat back in a content manner.

The door creaked open as Lonlee entered the room. The two traded wary gazes, but said nothing. Ignoring each other, they began to eat in silence. Smiling in the shadows, Fang effortlessly glided into the room.

"Gentlemen... I hope that you are finding the food to be to your liking?" he asked in a dignified manner.

Gulping down the food, the two men nodded. Their eyes shone with renewed vigor. Carefully squinting his eyes, Fang gazed at Tang Yunxin. There was a watery blue wormhole within his chest. However, it was growing much more condensed and powerful with each moment.

Smiling curiously, Fang decided to let it grow for a while to see whether it would provide any more benefit. After all, the mechanics of devouring systems were complicated. One could down them all like shots, but would eventually feel inebriated afterwards. However, if one sampled them like fine wines, they would only taste better with age and experience. It was up to him how he chose to consume the systems... like a drunk or a noble.

The two men got up, profusely thanking the innkeeper for his hospitality. Fang smiled and with a few words of sincerity, he sent Lonlee on his way. Holding on to Tang Yunxin, he led him to another room in the inn.

Taking out a large blade, he handed it to Tang Yunxin. It was time to further invest in this new "company" of his. Once al the benefit had been extracted, he would devour the system in it's entirety.

The blade in question had belonged to Zhang Ye, the injured and moody protagonist. Fang had thought about selling it, but he had decided against doing so. If he did sell it, it would invite too much trouble from other sources seeking the protagonist. It was better to give the sword to someone who could actually fight back against the forces who were after the wielder of the sword.

Fang smiled deviously.

In addition to improving the goodwill between him and Tang Yunxin and shifting the trouble off his back, he also created several obstacles for the protagonist. Think of it like... a sharpening stone. By fighting these people, he would undoubtedly get stronger and stronger, making the eventual result so much more satisfying.

Exchanging pleasantries, the two men went to the entrance of the inn where Fang bid Tang Yunxin goodbye.

"Farewell my friend. I shall see you again if fortune permits," Tang Yunxin called out to him.

Fang merely smiled. Oh the boy was such a poor fool...

"Of course! Do remember to come back to my inn!" he replied.

Tang Yunxin smiled and left on horseback. The horse in question had belonged to the master of the Nie Family, but he had... appropriated it. Either way, it served his needs.

Swearing to return to the inn and repay the innkeeper for his kindness, Tang Yunxin sliced his finger. A drop of blood flew out, carried by the wind and an ominous crack of thunder boomed.

An oath on blood was not a light sentence... and here he had sworn one. To breka it would be equivalent to rebelling against one's humanity. Swearing fiercely, he walked into the cold valley sunset, on his way to the competition of the greats.