System Upgrade

Fang Zhen tilled the ground as he harvested his crops. Wiping the sweat off his brow, he sighed.

"This is the and unburdened of any systems... one in which I can as I please and make a modest living...if only it were not for this accursed system..." he lamented.

At this point, he would have already given up on the system. You see, his dream was not to get into the world of cultivation and mythical warriors, but rather to remain a humble farmer and live out his life in a humble manner.

However, that accursed system had ruined all of his future plans. Now he could do nothing but eat systems...if he didn't there would be severe repercussions on his body. It was fortunate that systems were available in such plentiful supply, but as he grew stronger, he would need stronger systems. Such a pity....

Shaking his head, he went inside the house. The championship had already started so he had changed his makeshift inn into a modest residence once more. He sat down on a mat. Crossing his legs and folding his palms together, he began to meditate.

Almost immediately, a wisp of spatial energy was sucked into his chest. His eyes flashed open in horror.

"So it's true.....I must.....cultivate now...." he cried in a miserable tone.

Suddenly a shadowy enigmatic figure formed.

[Host, do you not wish to follow the cultivator's lifestyle?]

Shocked at the appearance of the system, Fang Zhen replied immediately.

"NO!" he cried in haste.

Cursing himself for his impulsive actions, he waited for a reaction from the system.

The shadowy figure seemed displeased. Sighing, it nodded.

[Hmmm. How extraordinary. This is simply unprecedented to be put into a body such as this one. How....utterly lacking in motivation...fear not... I shall transform you into one of the greatest warriors this world have ever seen... Your name shall be spread far and wide, across the very heavens!]

The system's voice thundered through his mind. Suddenly, there was a massive rumbling noise and Fang Zhen released a shockwave from his body.

"What is happening?" he cried in alarm.

[I'm undergoing an upgrade... this will allow you to cultivate in various manners!]

"WAIT!" Fang protested.

His voice fell on deaf ears as the system finished it's upgrade, leaving him on the floor, breathless and exhausted.

[ seem to be in a disordered state of mind right now. Come find me once you have regained your senses.]

With that terse message, the system disappeared.