
Fang returned to his normal state of being. Exiting his mind palace, he was filled with an exuberant sense of joy at this newfound turn of events.

Immediately he began to pore over his stats for Herbology. Frowning, he decided to edit it slightly.

[Would host like to improve rarity chance?]

'Yes,' he thought.

[Done. Rarity upgraded. Plants have a 10% of being rare variants. The simpler the plant, the more likely it will become a rare variant]

Smiling, Fang was delighted with this upgrade. Although he could have upgraded something else, he preferred to upgrade his chance of getting rare plants. By doing this, he would be able to sell them for a lot of money and further improve his conditions in which he could grow more plants simultaneously raising his level and allowing him to upgrade his skills even more.

He immediately rushed over to get his tools. Grabbing a scythe and a few seeds, he hurriedly began planting. Going to his garden, he began to sow each seed into the ground, sprinkling a few drops of rainwater over it to keep the soil moist.

[Mudbloom seed planted]

[Mudbloom seed planted]

[Mudbloom seed planted]

Mudblooms were a special type of hardy and resilient flowers that grew in the mountainous regions. Once planted they grew nearly instantaneously although they disrupted the land around them, turning it into a thick sludge. They had thick and nutritious roots that could be eaten in a variety of ways. They made up the staple of people's diet especially if they were poor. although Fang usually didn't plant Mudblooms, he wished to test out the capabilities of his new cultivation method.

Smiling, he finished planting quickly. Each seed was rapidly growing. Emerald green stems burst out from the soil, shining with the sticky wetness of the rainwater. They stood firm and erect, unyielding to the natural elements. Large bulbs could be seen on the tip of the stem. Soon these began to bloom, white flowers flowing from the tips. The petals were exquisitely soft and pearly white. They exuded a heavenly radiance.

[Holy Mudbloom created]

Smiling with glee, Fang read the details on this new type of Mudbloom.

[Holy Mudbloom]

[A Mudbloom enhanced by heavenly energies. Usually growing in the mountains, it gives off a radiant and holy light. The flower is very useful for healing and the root is a major component of Three-Root Celestial Soup]

Laughing heartily to himself, Fang praised his Herbology cultivation method. Not only did it raise his own energy, it also allowed him to create new variants and mutations in the types of plants he grew! He was truly fortunate to be blessed with such an ability.

Harvesting the plants, he took special care not to damage the flowers or the roots. The stems he put aside separately. Then he began pulling out other seeds.

Planting these seeds was quite a challenge. Although his garden wasn't vast, it couldn't be considered to be modest by any means. Taking care of it usually required half of his day. With the addition of these new plants, it would only get worse.

Lamenting over the necessity for extra work, Fang began planting the seeds. Each time, he received a notification that so-and-so plant seed had been sown. However, his thoughts were not in the plants.

If one assumed that being an Herbologist would allow him to grow plants of a greater diversity and rarity, then he would stand to make quite a bit of money. Perhaps it wasn't too late to become an opium lord....

Shaking the ignorant idea out of his mind, he returned to the task at hand. Monotonously, he began to till the ground, entering a mindless, formless state where he was one with the scythe and the scythe was a mere extension of his Will.

[Profound Truth Discovered]

The notification shocked him out of his bladed reverie. Muttering, he looked at the notification.

"Ahh....," he spoke quizzically.

[Host has discovered the Profound Truth of Reaping. Would host like to assimilate with the essence?]

Fang stood there puzzled. A Profound Truth? What was that?

'Explain,' he thought.

[A Profound Truth is in essence a natural law of the world and knowing it's essence allows one to freely manipulate that one natural law.]

"AHH! Such a thing exists!?!? How powerful must it be!" he cried.

Mentally urging the system to open the notification, he entered his mind palace again.