The Annoying Wolf

Fang sighed in annoyance. The villagers continued to gaze at the wolf with puzzled expressions.

"I.... think....we should leave...," an young man began hesitantly.

"But our entire lives are in the village!" another man replied.

"We cannot uproot our entire lives! Plus, this wolf cannot occupy the village forever! What if it doesn't harm us?"

"But it could quite possibly slaughter us all with a swipe of it's paw!"

Fang sighed internally. This foolish was causing so many problems already.

Groaning he stood up. It was time to use his skills to get rid of this problem before it grew out of hand.

Immediately, shadows began to cover the villagers, startling them. The black fog flew away, flying towards wolf. When it passed through, Fang was gone. Utilizing the his cultivation, no one noticed that his presence was missing.

Flying with a rapid speed towards the wolf, the black cloud convalesced onto one point. It looked like an inky black dot, compressed into a singular point. Then, it exploded outwards, surrounding the entire village in a thick fog, unable to be pierced by any human sight. Slowly walking out of the cloud of black ink, Fang gave the ghostly wolf a piercing stare. He frowned in displeasure.

"HEY!" he shouted.

The wolf turned to look at him. Slowly, a smile spread across it's face. It revealed row after row of sharp teeth, the air shimmering around it's eyes.

"'ve arrived...makes my job much easier...then I can sleep again," it growled lightly.

Fang frowned. Since when could wolves talk?

Roaring, the wolf rushed forward, swiping it's paws toward him. Immediately, Fang turned into a black shadow and rushed to another location. He reformed his body, with an expression of exasperation on his face.

"Wait!" he cried to no avail.

The wolf growled angrily at missing. Every time it missed, it would expend extra energy. And it. HATED. Wasting. Energy.

"Stay still human...," it growled.

It's claws clicked and with a boom it rushed towards Fang. His expression widened as he panicked. With a dark flash of light he disappeared.

Angrier than ever, the wolf landed and howled with all it's might.

Breathless, Fang reappeared a few feet away. Stamping his feet, he frowned.

"So.... no talking? Fine. Let's do this," he spoke.

Cracking his knuckles, he released his aura. It thrummed and spread rapidly like an expanding balloon.

"Ahhh.... that feels so good," he spoke softly.

After suppressing his aura for so long, he had finally gotten his chance to release it. He curled his hand into a ball and unclenched. Cracking his neck, he stood facing the ghostly wolf.

The two combatants glared at each other, with terrible expressions.

The wolf had burning blue eyes filled with anger and malice. Saliva dripped from it's mouth as it glared at Fang. It's fur was glowing with a ghostly light as it's hackles raised. It radiated pure aggression and anger towards Fang. Wisps of green flame flew out of it's mouth. Smoke curled in ghostly tendrils from it's gargantuan wings.

On the other side stood Fang. He wore a simple farmer's garb, made of a coarse fiber. Loose threads of hair hung in his eyes as they flashed with annoyance. He exhibited a toned figure, although it was a subtle one, not particularly standing out. Raising his palm, he turned it outward and faced it downwards. Smiling gently, he began to circulate his energy.

"You see...," he began.

The wolf frowned.

"I'm not a particularly flashy person. I don't particularly like attention. Although we all dream of fame, I dislike it. I just wanted to be a simple farmer! Is that so hard!?! Just to live a simple life... to be a simple I wish I could...,"

The wolf glared at the human. What nonsense was it spouting?

"All I ever wanted...snatched from me...why?"

His eyes burning with sorrow, Fang cried to the heavens.

"Accursed System!!!!" he cried.

Releasing his anger at the system and the world, he roared powerfully.

Seven flames shimmered into appearance behind him. They encircled his body in seven orbits, fueled by his inner energy. Billowing black fog appeared behind him and then began to circle his body in rhythm with the flames. Smiling, Fang flicked a finger downwards.

Suddenly an enormous pressure was exerted on the wolf, forcing it to buckle and kneel in front of Fang. The other shot up into the sky, surrounded by flames and smoke. Grinning, he lowered his palm and the world exploded with color.