A Destiny Larger Than The Mountains

Smiling gently at the house, Fang walked inside. He stared at the dust inside his house. Sighing, he began to pack. It wouldn't be long before the villagers gave in to their curiosity and descended down the mountain to find him amidst the rubble. No... it was better to just relocate and find another village. Yes...this was the perfect idea.

Smiling to himself, he began to pack up his items. He didn't require a much as he meant to leave and resettle somewhere else with a completely different profession. There was no way that he could bring the house or most of his possessions with him as that would be too conspicuous and impossibly hard to do.

Gently picking up a backpack of his most precious items, he slung it over his back. Sliding on thick and furry boots, he exited the house. This was going to be a long journey. Smiling, he stretched out a finger.

It burned with the heat of a black flame. Touching the wooden door, he burned a symbol into the door. Spirals and geometric patterns decorated the door as flame danced across the wooden platform, kissing the door with the passionate touch of heat. Flame dripping off his finger as was does off a candle, he shook his hand. Turning around he left the front porch. Black fog surrounded his body once more.

Crouching down, he gripped his fingers together.

"It is now time to leave," he spoke in a raspy voice.

"Indeed," a voice sounded.

"Your destiny is much greater than these mountains," the system told him.

"But why does it feel so melancholic?"

"Because it is in our nature to feel remorse and sorrow at the culling of a dear friend. To you, your life in this village is the thing that resonates with you to most,"

"But can't I just stay then if I love this village so much?"

"Because they don't get you. They never will. They are in essence, confined to this narrow strip of land,"

Fang frowned.

"But I don't want a greater destiny. I just want to live a peaceful life...," he spoke

"That was never a choice...," the system replied.

Sighing, Fang nodded. In his heart, he had realized the truth of the matter. Although the system had told him that he had to live a life similar to a hero, he was determined to make sure that his life was a relatively peaceful one. However, he was bound to attract trouble.

The previous incidents were enough to convince him. He was now afflicted with the curse. It was the curse of every protagonist to be sought out by various enemies that would only get stronger. And they would continue to attack him. And next time, the villagers might not be so lucky as to suffer no casualties.

"I just want to lead a simple life. Why can't I?" he lamented.

He did not wish for the villagers that head treated him so well to be dragged into this battle with him. Therefore, as his choice he had decided to leave the village once and for all. In the end, he would ensure that he would come back to the village and finish out the rest of his days there.

"Well then, you say my destiny is large?" he asked suddenly.

'Undoubtedly," the system spoke.

Smiling, Fang leaped into the air. He soared as high as he could into the sky, a small speck against the magnificent white canvas of clouds. He was an inky black stroke, flying across the sky. The fog around the village dissipated as he went higher and higher. Breaking the barrier of sound, Fang's body released a thunderous boom as he rocketed further into the sky.

He soared higher than he had ever gone before. Smiling, a pure joy could be seen in his eyes. This was it. This was the feeling he wanted every single day. To be surrounded by all the soft clouds and the sweet blue sky. Facing downwards, he began to hurtle towards the ground at a frightening pace.

Smiling, his eyes exuded a gentle and pure joy.

"Well, let's see just how big my destiny is, shall we?" he spoke.