The Emperor's Banquet

Opening the door slowly, Fang saw Tang Junxin waiting there. Smiling brightly, he bowed.

"Disciple greets teacher!" he spoke.

At a loss for words, Fang stood there awkwardly.

'I never accepted you as a disciple...' he thought.

"Ahem...rise, disciple...," he spoke with an awkward tone.

Tang Junxin snapped up, oblivious to the awkward situation. He stood there, comfortable in the awkward silence.

Fang cleared his throat.

"Is there a particular reason as to why you are here?" he asked, as gently as he could manage.

Tang Junxin looked shocked.

"How could I have forgotten!!! Right! The emperor has invited you to dinner and it's going to be soon so don't be late!" he cried.

With his purpose achieved, he quickly scampered off, joyous at meeting his master and leaving Fang in a cloud of dust.

"What...," Fang began hazily.

Shaking his head, he cursed the foolish Tang Junxin for leaving him in such a predicament. He could not afford to offend the emperor by not showing up, but it would take him a while to get ready, not to mention how much it would disrupt his cultivation.

Shaking his head, Fang stepped out. He hadn't packed anything else. Unfortunately, his shabby farmer's clothes were all that could sustain him for this very important function. Sighing, he resolved to improve his wardrobe as soon as he got the chance.

Noticing the dust on his clothes, he released his aura to clean them. With a boom, it rushed out and flooding back in within a split second.

[Superior Grade Farmer's Tunic Created]

[Superior Grade Farmer's Trousers Created]

[Superior Grade Farmer's Undergarments Created]

[Superior Grade Farmer's Boots Created]

A series of notifications rang out in his head that Fang ignored in his hurry to reach the banquet.

With a sonic boom, he ran to the main gates of the castle. The wind whipped against his face as he ran as fast as he could. Stopping in front of the gates, he resumed a slow pace.

Seeing a man in simple garb arrive, the head guard squinted his eyes. He hadn't seen this man arrive, but he seemed to have a purpose in being here. Looking more carefully, his eyes widened.

"OPEN THE GATES!" he shouted.

The gates slowly creaked open, allowing Fang entry. Fang looked around for the voice with a puzzled expression, but not a head could be seen. He simply wished to express his thanks, but there was no one to thank. Must be an automated gate driven by Qi...

The head guard and the other guards were hiding their aura and themselves for fear of being noticed. That man was definitely a supreme expert who could kill them with a finger if he so wished. Even more, Tang Junxin had declared that the man should be let in without any trouble and they dared not disobey the newly made Immortal.

Fang walked in slowly, roaming through the halls until he found his way to the banquet hall.

Entering the hall, he looked around. People in flashy battle armor and long elegant robes mingled courteously and chattered politely. They smiled and exchanged pleasantries and yet a deadly force was hidden behind their every word.

'So terrifying...the number of experts in this room right now...' Fang gulped.

Suddenly a gong sounded and everyone came to attention. A glowing golden figure in a red robe slowly descended on a throne. He had a long silver beard and a kindly face with sharply intelligent eyes. The man clapped his hands and fire engulfed the floor. From the fire, an elaborate obsidian table rose, shining with the dark intensity of the void. Clapping his hands another time, an army of servants descended to put dishes, utensils, tablecloths, and other necessities on the table.

Guests began to take their assigned seats. Fang followed the herd, looking for his seat at the back. He felt an arm reach out from the small mob of people and pull him forward.

"Over here Master," a friendly voice sounded.

Fang found himself face to face with Tang Junxin. He smiled awkwardly as he was pulled into the seat next to Tang Junxin. Coincidentally, this seat was the second seat away from the emperor. Feeling out of place and awkward, he looked around nervously.

Frowning and gulping, Fang sat down slowly. The emperor cast him a cursory gaze as his eyes flitted over the many personalities at the table.

'Interesting. Who is this... ordinary... personality?'

Such a thought ran through the emperor's mind as he questioned who Fang Zhen was. Unable to come up with a satisfactory answer, he turned to Tang Junxin.

"Who is this?" he asked.

Tang Junxin smiled.

"My imperial father, this is my teacher. His name is Fang Zhen and he comes from a mountain province. He's a farmer," he replied.

Fang's face turned black. This fool.... introduced him to the emperor of the entire country as a simple farmer... Even if he was a farmer, at least Tang Junxin could embellish the title slightly so that it would seem a bit grander! He could feel the hostile and ridiculing stares of the other guests bore into his back with jealousy and anger.

The suspicious emperor glanced at the embarrassed Fang. Frowning slightly, he gazed deeper into Fang's chest and there was a crimson flash. His eyes widened and he let out an exclamation of shock.