Supreme Turtle Cultivation Manual

The emperor nodded and turned around. He had some interrogating to do.

[Cultivation System acquired. Would host like to assimilate?]

'Yes,' Fang thought.

The scroll began to burn with a green flame as it was immediately absorbed into Fang's mind. Knowledge and comprehension filled his brain and a cool sensation flowed through his body.

"Interesting... how wonderful... this is truly an amazing cultivation method...," Fang mused out loud.

Taking a deep breath he activated the cultivation manual. Immediately a vast quantity of Qi was sucked into his body as he breathed in.

"Interesting. But according to the manual, we can do so much more," he spoke.

Smiling, he closed his eyes. The world slowed down as Fang slowed his breathing.






Fang stopped breathing altogether. His heart slowed down to the point where it did not beat. He gave off no aura whatsoever. It was as if he was entirely frozen in time, a statue amongst the moving world.

[Host has mastered the cultivation manual. It has been done with an unusually high completion. Congratulations to host]

Fang smiled. This was a cultivation method to rival his own.

In essence, the Supreme Turtle's Cultivation Manual was all about solitude and strength, but also going slow and taking one's time. In the very act of slowing down, one could literally slow down time and possibly stop it. If trained to even greater heights, he could reverse time as well.

Smiling, Fang continued his cultivation. A shield of aura was already forming around him, thicker than an iron blanket.

[Supreme Turtle's Shell Effect applied]

[Host's equipped armor has immensely boosted defense]

[Host's defense has reached the pinnacle]

[Host's defense is almost impregnable]

The notifications rang out, startling Fang from his reverie. He shook his head and smiled. The emperor had really given him a wonderful gift. He would have to thank the emperor the next time they met.

Tang Junxin slowly approached Fang. Smiling, he bowed in front of him.

"Disciple greets master," he spoke.

Fang's face fell upon seeing Tang Junxin.

"What do you want?" he asked in a snappy mood.

Tang Junxin leapt back in fright. Sighing, Fang frowned and gestured for the poor man to speak.

"Master... are you alright?" he spoke tentatively.

Fang sighed and nodded. Turning around, the duo went to leave the palace.

As soon as they exited, the stale air hit them in the face. Fang frowned and coughed. Within seconds, dark shadows surrounded them.

"You... you ruined our plans," one shadow muttered.

Fang's eyebrow raised.

'This is too easy... the prey literally deliver themselves into my trap?' he thought.

The shadows snarled viciously as they leaned forward preparing to attack. Fang smiled softly. Tang Junxin's eyes crackled again and blue energy began to swirl around him. Suddenly, Fang stretched out his hand, signaling him to stop.

Surprised, Tang Junxin retracted his aura. Fang smiled again, waiting for the attack that was certain to come.

"CHARGE!" the lead shadow yelled.

The shadows leapt forward and fired off their attacks. Flame and ice flew towards Fang with alarming velocity. Lightning crackled in the air and waves of darkness rushed towards him.

Fang smiled and waved his hand. A green shield surrounded him, pristine as jade and nearly transparent. The attacks crashed against the barrier and dissipated. They were unable to even scratch the surface of the shield and rebounded into various directions.

The shadow cultivators gnashed their teeth in anger and roared. These were their most powerful attacks! How could they have been blocked with such ease!?!?

Fang smiled. This technique was truly powerful. Laughing softly, he removed the shield. He didn't need it anymore as he had tested it out already. Closing his eyes, Fang snapped his fingers.

There was a bang and the figures flew backwards, their limbs splayed in all directions. They screamed and groaned in agony, as the pain slowly made them numb.

Fang opened his eyes and stepped forward.

"Thank you gentlemen. You've helped me test out a very important defensive skill. As a reward, my apprentice here will turn you in," he spoke in a calm manner.

Smiling, he turned around and left the scene, delighted with the cultivation manual he had received. Not only did he have an overpowered offense, now his defense was off the charts too.

Smiling, Fang thanked the heavens for the first time they had ever shown fortune hopes. Now he could finally achieve his deepest dreams: to have a farm without the bothersome little pests!

If the monsters ever dared to enter his farm, he would smite them to death with his palm technique while protecting the important crops with the defense shell technique! It was a wonderful situation!

Lost in his gentle rumination, Fang continued to walk down the street, oblivious to his destination.