The Azure Dragon

Fang leaped over the mass of flowers as he scoured the mountain. Where was this last heavenly beast!?!

Suzume flew in the skies, looking over the treetops and in the skies for any sign of the last deity. It zoomed through the skies, a fiery crimson streak against the clouds. It's sharp eyes scanned the skies and the ground for any glimpse of the dragon.

Toru leaped over the flowers, running at top speed through the grass. Leaping from tree to tree, Toru searched the treetops and the land for any sight of this last beast. White fur and fangs gleamed as Toru whizzed past, carried by the wind, increasing his momentum and exercising perfect control over his speed.

Gendu floated around in the water, sending out pulses of energy to locate the dragon. Diving down, deep into the river, he pored over the river's bottom, looking for any sign of the dragon. The snake on his back swiveled around as a lookout, searching for any fleeting glimpse or minuscule clue to the dragon's existence.

Fang zoomed through the trees on one side of the mountain. Searching the forest was a daunting task and it would take him quite a while to finish searching it. Going tree by tree, he searched for an aura in the old woods, but there was simply nothing. No aura whatsoever emanated from the trees.

Frowning he searched for a source of vitality and freshness, but found nothing but the most basic of wood energy.

Sighing he went to the very center of the forest and sat down. Closing his eyes, he entered a meditative state.


Fang's eyes shot open. There was a pulse of energy and a boundless vital force spread out through the forest.

Turning around, he thrust out his hand, cracking the old tree in half.

There was a large boom as life energy spread throughout the forest. An emerald glow spread out of the center of the forest and a tiny, horned snake drifted out.

Fang smiled. It seemed like the vitality of the dragon was nourishing this entire forest.

"Greetings, azure dragon. My name is Fang," he began.

The dragon smiled, showing its pristine fangs.

"My name is Hebi. Pleased to meet you," it spoke in a gentle and warm tone.

Fang smiled in response. Hearing the commotion, Suzume, Gendu, and Toru rushed over.

"HEBI!" they cried.

Hebi looked pleased as he heard the voices of his friends. Smiling and laughing amongst them, they exchanged a few words.

"Anyway, that's that. Oh Hebi, you should form a contract with this guy here! We all did anyway and he gives us some really good food and housing!" Toru cried.

The other two nodded in agreement. Hebi smiled and flicked a claw. A jade scroll appeared before Fang and disappeared within seconds after he nodded. The contract was made.

The mountain rumbled and a sonorous ringing bell tolled once. The hum spread throughout the mountain, but did not pierce the illusionary veil nor the transparent shell.

Fang smiled. He had finally become the true owner of this mountain and gained four excellent companions. Wonderful. Now his life could get back on track.

Walking back to his home, he was followed by four animal companions, laughing, smiling, and chatting all the way.

As soon as they got there, an earthen dome was waiting for them.

Fang smiled.

"I took the liberty of creating a dome for you, on the eastern side of the mountain. I hope you'll like it," he told Hebi.

The little dragon smiled. Floating over, it flicked a claw and wood erupted from the ground. Beautiful flowers and plants covered the entire base of the dome, giving it an aura of vitality. Fresh scents and beautiful tropical plants filled the dome. At the very center, was a wooden stump, covered in flowers. Hebi smiled and lay down on the stump, it's throne in the center of the dome. Smiling, it nodded in assent.

Fang smiled at it's fitting decoration. Flicking his hand, he infused the southern and eastern domes with an orb of energy, greatly thickening the spiritual energy within the domes.

Sighing, he went back inside his house and lay down. It was time for a good rest after a long day of work.