Creating a Commotion

Waiting in the shadows silently, Fang stared at the gates of the academy. Staring at the people entering the academy, he gazed at their stats with calm indifference.


"Not a protagonist...,"

"Probably a protagonist's victim...,"

"Traditional protagonist bully...,"

Sighing, Fang inspected each and every protagonist hopeful for any signs of being a true MC, he was disappointed every time.

'Why can't these protagonists just show themselves already?' he groaned mentally.

[Be warned. A protagonist is approaching]

Fang immediately went on high alert. A chance like this could not be missed.

Spying someone walking over to the academy gates, he silently observed them from within the shadowed corner he was in.

A well-built and handsome man walked towards the academy entrance with a superior air about him. A halo of indifference and superiority surrounded him as he slowly made his way into the academy.


[Lu Xiongnan]

[Combat System]

[Increased affinity with the Metal Attribute]

[As a typical protagonist, he finds success and pain everywhere he goes. With every passing acquaintance, he is bound to defeat them utterly at some point in life and continue on a pather of unrivaled ascension]

Fang frowned at this description.

'How... aptly suited to such a protagonist... no, to all protagonist's in general' he thought.

Thinking about this, drove forward his astonishing mental faculties into overdrive.

'A protagonist is a creature like no other for he is doomed to success and an eternal hunger like no other. They are doomed to fail and suffer, but even worse, they are doomed to succeed. That one taste of power and victory is enough; enough to utterly corrupt them forever in the pursuit of absolute power, not realizing that such a goal is virtually unattainable until one realizes one's own bounds. And one can realize their own bounds only when they assume an aura of detachment for all human emotions and thoughts and relations are temporary and fleeting: the only continuity in this pathetic universe of ours is the existence of a chaotic state in which anything can happen,'

Streams of thought and powerful and profound realization rushed through his head, leaving Fang shocked at the sheer volume and density of the information.

'System... what is happening?' he screamed within his mind, filled with panic.

[Calm down. This is a momentary enlightenment phase. It will pass and you'll be somewhat more confused and simultaneously more aware of the truth of the world around you. Just deal with it]

Having delivered such an unsatisfactory answer, the system disappeared, leaving Fang to vent alone.

'Forget it,'

'I've got to hunt that protagonist anyway so there is no point in ruminating on this existential nonsense,'

Fading through the walls of the academy, Fang entered a large stadium. Thousands of cheering fans roared as explosions of colorful energy lit up the sky. Frowning as the noise assaulted his ears, Fang quickly found a seat. Seeing a random and slightly glowing red chair over to the side, he immediately sat down on the chair and watched the spectacle.

Energy boomed in the air in a spectacular display as spectators cheered. Fang slowly dimmed his senses and perceived the explosion's obnoxious noises less.


A gong sounded and everything went silent.

"Welcome one and welcome all to the Hundredth Silver Moon River Academy's Annual Duel Festival! Make yourselves comfortable and we can begin soon!" a rich and silky voice called out.

There was another resounding boom.

"MAKE WAY FOR THE SUPREME ANCESTOR OF DAO!" a deep and powerful voice blasted over the audience as powerful waves of sound rolled over them.

Fang, with the muted noise, naturally did not hear anything and he kept sitting down on his chair.

A man dressed in white with a silver sash around his waist and a blade strapped to his back slowly walked down the aisle, nodding to the people seated around him.

Slowly walking to the front, his eyes were cast around, shooting sharp gazes everywhere.

'Interesting... this year's batch seems quite promising...,' he thought.

The roving eye slowly turned around to catch sight of a simple man sitting in a red chair and quickly left him. There was nothing special about this man anyway.

'Wait a minute...,' the man pondered, continuing his walk.

'Isn't that chair the...,'

The man's eyes shot open and he lost his balance, nearly tripping. There was a collective gasp in the audience. The man flipped over and landed on his feet, his heart pounding in his chest.

Staring at Fang, fear was evident in his eyes.

'Who the hell is this guy? And how is he sitting so casually in the Emperor's Ten Thousand Universe Chair?' he thought, theories rapidly circulating through his mind.

Staring at Fang, he cleared his throat. The audience gasped again.

"Revered Master... may this disciple know who you are?" he asked in a respectful tone.

The audience nearly tumbled over in shock.

This... this was the esteemed and revered Supreme Sword Dao Ancestor, the same one who had created the entire branch of sword skills currently practiced in the continent currently! This was the great Dao, also known as the Supreme Sword Saint! Who was he addressing that deserved such respect?

Their gazes immediately turned to Fang, who just noticed the commotion. Getting up he faced the Supreme Sword Saint.

"Hey! Do you need a seat? You can have mine if you want it," he spoke.

The Supreme Sword Saint nearly spit blood.

'Are you trying to kill me? That chair... if I sat on that, I would die!' he screamed internally.

A plethora of shocked gazes was thrown at Fang, who wondered why all of this attention was being cast on him yet again.

'Why am I always the center of attention?' he thought, sighing with resignation.