
The wind rustled through Fang's hair as he whooshed through the skies. Sighting a familiar peak, he increased his speed and zoomed towards it.

Suddenly, he abruptly stopped in midair, a few feet away from the mountain itself. Slowly descending, his feet touched the ground and he began to walk the rest of the way.

Smiling to himself, he avoided any passers-by. It was best to not attract any attention, especially as he drew closer to his home.

There was a massive boom and the earth rumbled, sending out massive shockwaves. Fang's eyes narrowed and he nimbly maintained his balance during the earthquake. Disappearing as soon as it had arrived, the earthquake stopped.

Fang looked around to assess the damage. Only a few trees were shaken loose. Nothing major had been displaced. Content and secure in his safety, he resumed his journey to the mountain.

On the other side of the mountain, figures made of clay and earth stood in perfect formation. They were like thousands of men, dressed in the uniform color of an army, vigilant and strong. Their commander, clad in a black cloak, strode forward.

"Commence Shadow Defense Tactics. Squadron 12, 13, 14, and 15 begin to patrol the area," he called out.

The army did as directed. Hundreds of soldiers melted back into the earth, while the others slinked into the shadows of the forest.

The commander nodded. He would complete the rest of the journey alone. Striding forward with great steps, he began to ascend the mountain.

Meanwhile, Fang leaped back and forth amongst the rough stones and steep crevices of the mountain. Drifting amongst the vegetation like a snake, he advanced up the mountain.

With a final burst of speed, he leaped over the last hurdle. Landing on his feet, he glanced around.


His eyes widened.

"Why is there such a spiritual fluctuation?" he murmured to himself.

Shaking his head to dispel his worries, he glared at the direction of the energy. With a renewed vigor, he resumed his journey to the top of the peak and the source of the fluctuation.

[How interesting...]

The system remarked at the spiritual fluctuation, which seemed to have caught its interest. The source of the energy was at the peak of the mountain, which was coincidentally Fang's home.

[It almost seems like...]

The system flashed.

[Fang! You must head to the peak of the mountain at once!]

Startled, Fang stopped his journey.

"Why?" he asked.

[It's very important and there is no time to explain! GO!]

The system yelled at its host with a passionate fury. Every second this buffoon wasted was another valuable second lost!

Fang rushed up the mountain with renewed vigor, even faster than before.

Gold glanced at the wooden house. It was simple and yet appeared so very grand. There was a calm and aloof aura that the shabby little hut exuded and yet it was the home of his master.

Sighing he sat down and began to circle his energy. Waiting for his master would take some time, so it would be best if he cultivated to pass the time.

There was a clang and his eyes flashed open. An enormous beam of light shot up to the sky and a whirlpool of clouds descended upon the source of the light.

Gold's eyes narrowed. Standing up, he pulled out a silver sword. Walking forward with caution, he approached the light.

Fang breathed heavily as he reached the peak of the mountain. Leaping into the open, he saw a majestic flash of light that extended into a pillar.

"System... what the hell is this?" he cried out in panic.

[AMAZING! Your luck is simply too good!]

The system cried out in joy.

"What the hell is this?!?!?" Fang yelled.

The system sighed.

[You uncultured swine....]

Fang's face turned black from anger.


The system sighed again at its host and his incompetence.

[Very well... This is a heavenly phenomenon that yields a very powerful and very useful item... something that you can clearly exploit if used in the right way...]

Fang frowned.

"A powerful... item?" he questioned.

The system flared up. Fang stared as Gold, draped in a black cloak, began to approach the flash of light.

"GOLD! WAIT!" Fang cried.

But it was too late. There was a boom and both Gold and the heavenly sign were gone.