
The overseer walked towards Fang. He twirled the sword in a threatening manner. Raising the blade into the air, he smiled cruelly, showing off blackened teeth. Fang frowned at the man, distaste evident on his face.

Roaring the overseer lunged towards Fang. The blade slashed through the air and whistled menacingly as it completed the arc. Dark flames swirled off from the black metal as the blade descended.

Fang smiled.

"You know,..." he began.

Stepping to the side, he aligned himself horizontally to the overseer. He grinned at the man as the blade missed him by several millimeters.

"Power means nothing when you don't have the technique," he spoke wanly.

Smiling cheerfully, he thrust out his fist and hit the overseer in the chest. There was a bang and the overseer flew backward. Crashing into the stall, blood dribbled down his forehead.

Fang frowned.

"Damn. I didn't know my punch would be that strong," he remarked.

The overseer nearly coughed blood at this statement. Was that even a regular punch?!?!

He snarled and got up, gripping his blade until his knuckles turned white. Roaring he lunged towards Fang again. Fang sidestepped and punched outward again. The overseer flew back into the same spot he had crashed into earlier.

[Fist-Fighting Skills leveled up]

Fang frowned again. How was such a skill useful, especially under these circumstances!?!?

He sighed.

"That was a warning," he spoke calmly.

Stepping forward, he assumed a carefree position. The scared little wolf-girl stood behind him, whimpering quietly as awe shone dimly in her eyes.

"I gave you two chances. Don't blame me if I don't give you anymore!" he spoke.

The overseer roared in anger.

"I don't need your pity!" he screamed.

Fang sighed. You really couldn't reason with such people. It seemed they were meant to be exterminated like the bugs they were.

Fang's eyes blazed with fury and he raised his palm.

"Fine," he spoke.

With that terse statement, he raised his hand and brought it down. The sky rumbled and split in two. Lightning flashed across the heavens and fireballs shot across the sky. Stars winked into existence and then proceeded to collapse in supernovae. Thunder boomed across the land and the earth quaked and trembled in what seemed like fear of this awe-inspiring man.

An enormous force flashed down and crashed into the overseer. There was a bang and a flash and the overseer was immediately vaporized.

However, this wasn't the ordinary kind of vaporization. Several things happened in that one move. First, an enormous pressure bound his body in place, so he couldn't move. Then the pain began. Every nanosecond that passed felt like an eternity to the man. Pain, on the scale which has never before been experienced coursed through his body in waves. It was similar to if a man climbed up a mountain of knives, without shoes or any clothes. Then, taking their body, one washed them in lemon juice and then rinsed with salt water. Then they were put into a boiling hot tub and whipped until their bones could be seen.

Afterwards, they would be asphyxiated to the point of near death and brought back to life only to face thousands of needles pricking your body every time and then having all your pores and organs blown up spontaneously. You would then be mashed into a paste, cooked, and stirred and remade using nails and a hammer. One would be conscious throughout this entire experience and then would go through it again and again. Each time the process was completed, an atom would be vaporized from your body.

The overseer was completely vaporized by the time the palm came down. Enduring unspeakable torment, he had reaped the rewards for his actions. Fang stared at the spot where he had once been with a trace of jubilation in his eyes. Things seemed to work out for the better.

The owner stared at him aghast.

'Who is this man?' he cried internally.

"HEY!" he yelled.

Fang turned his head towards the man.

The owner stared at Fang and a feeling of rage came over him. He had paid a lot of money for that overseer and for that slave! How could this man just take it away!?!?

"How can you just steal my property?" the owner raged.

Fang frowned at him.

"I'll have you up on charges! These lands have just gotten a new government system and they are very fair! You'll be executed!" the owner yelled, frothing at the mouth.

Fang merely smiled thinly.

There was a bang and four dark figures rose from the ground.

"Who dares make a disturbance in this public place?" they thundered, their voices capable of frightening the heavens.

The owner, seeing the golems, breathed a sigh of relief. He rushed towards them.

"That man! He... he... he stole my property!" he cried pitifully to the golems.

They turned to stare at Fang, who looked back at them with equanimity. A smile spread across his face as he laughed out loud.