The Test III (Final)

1000th Step, I had finally reached the hundredth step and this is not my limit, I can feel that I can climb much more.

I am feeling high physical pressure but that is bearable as I have a strong body but I was surprised to see that my mental fortitude is quite strong.

I thought I would feel unbearable mental pressure at 1000th step but to my surprise, I am not.

Although pressure is quite strong I am still bear it. I have to thank those two fatties who are in the underworld.

When they had force-fed me the monster core and I had come very close to the dying, at that I felt my mentality change and even death was not able to waver me for second, that moment had brought a very big change to my mentality and that is probably why I am not at my limit at 1000th step.

With this realization, I started to climb again and my speed hand increased again and I started to climb faster.