Thunder Hog

Note: Bonus Chapter.

Its a late morning when I got out of that abode, and I have plenty of hours to travel before the knight comes.

I continue doing the same thing I had done yesterday, search through the dilapidated buildings and residual attacks in a chance for treasure and attack. There is no fixed place for the chance, it could be inside the building, or it could be within the remnant attack or it could be right below the ground.

There is nothing that could be said about them; they could be anywhere; I will have to persist with what I am doing, and with some luck, I might find a chance for which I had come to this Ruin. With that thought, I continue doing what I am doing.

I am quite lucky to end up in the city as 80% of everything found in the Ruin is found in the city, so I will scourge the city for everything till I get what I am looking for.