Run II

Bang Bang Bang

I ran and ran, but no matter how much faster I ran, it is catching up to me. If its not for the trees and the ever-increasing suppression, it would have caught me already.

My speed is very fast; even with trees around me, I am running at speed I had never run before; hell, I ran faster than I had flown before, but even at this speed, I barely able to contend against the suppressed Grimm Monster who is chasing me.

Still, there is some tiny hope of survival; I just need to get closer and close to the sunlit dome.

At every step, the supression grew, which lessen the power of Tyrant, and I just have to reach close to the Sunlit dome.

When enough of Crockmans power is suppressed, it won't be able to catch me, and I have to do all that within seven, sorry five minutes, as two minutes have already passed since the run had begun.

Bang Bang Bang