
Shake Shake Shake… 

"Fuck, Ashlyn!" I cursed, seeing her Ashlyn coming up from the pipe. I hadn't finished cursing up when the shaking begins, and it became greater and greater; by the Ashlyn reach me, the shaking has become loud and huge pieces of stones begin to fall down.

"Let's go!" I said, and a powerful aura burst out of me, and I shot through the vine pipe. Its a good thing; I had prepared for an emergency. Otherwise, it would have a hell of trouble to get out of the underground, and now it would only take few seconds. 

My speed is great, and why it wouldn't be when I used all my strength, I had activated First Boot + Second Boost + Everwings together to get out. Not only to get out but also to run away from the real trouble I am going to face after I get out.

The underground palace is collapsing, huge stones falling all over, the earth is caving, and some residual formations and bursting apart like bombs.