[Bonus chapter] Strength To Affect The War  

I begin with the veins that connected to his heart, strengthening them with as much contamination I could. I even used the help of runes and rule-bending power to help his veins merge with more contamination than possible.

These veins are the most important part in distributing the power of the core; the stronger they are, the more power they will be able to display.

It is delicate work, and I needed more than an hour to work with his veins before beginning on the other parts. 

I have done great research on contamination and mutation as I regularly use them in solutions to rouse the potential of my mentees. I now have enough data that I could apply it far more effectively with much greater finesse than before.

Time passed by as I targeted one area after another, layering with contamination which would merge with his body, strengthening him further and would not show any sign of aberrance internally and externally.