Might Of Lightning Lion Legion II

Thunderous sounds begin to ring out as the heavy steps of ten thousand emperors fall on the ground as they move across the snow.

The light snowfall had turned heavy within a few minutes that normal people would find difficult to see what was in front of them, but to these Emperors, this was not a problem at all; they could see just fine.

The army is tearing through the snowfall and moving toward the Grimm fortress with great discipline; we will reach the fortress within an hour.

If we wanted to, we could have covered the distance within a few minutes, but we do not want that. I want to create the effect on the psyche of the Grimms; it is due to this reason I made the emperors walk their ceremonial walk instead of flying.

"I have been here for more than a month and saw them fight tens of battles, but I have never seen them in such high spirits," Rhine commented.