Battle I

There are seven of them in that group and three of them are quite familiar. It is Lizardman and its two minions; we have come across after we enter this mist. 


The Lizardman had Grand Art, but it is not the most dangerous here. The Most dangerous is the Blood Red Hippoman, which has designs of sharp cracked leaves across its body.


It is also the host of Grand Art, and it is considered one of the most dangerous one. 


The Endless Blood Forest.


"This time, you will not escape Magnus," said the Lizardman, and came at Magnus with Blizzard at its wake. 


"You have not stopped me last two times, and you won't stop me now, Idr!" said Magnus and moved toward Lizard, whose minions seemed to learn the lessons from the last time and came at me from both directions.


I didn't even glance at them.