
"I give up!"

The woman shouted, and she disappeared. Her critter of enemies divided and came toward us.

This is a fourth challenge and like the third. It was also about survival, but here, the challenge wasn't about surviving against the golem, but cute little people.

There were six at first. The biggest one half of the size of me while the smallest one, come to the knee.

Each one has a different weapon and fights different. Including an archer that could kill if hit on a fatal spot.

It had already killed one person and injured several that they had chosen to give up.

There were six at first, but now, I am fighting against ten of them, with two archers, and I wanted to destroy these bastards.

Clang Ting Clang!

My saber swatted the arrows away, white defending against the attack of others with my shield at the same time dodging several attacks.