Zhao Feng was your typical otaku he liked animes, mangas, and web novels and would much rather spend time with a new story or manga than talk to people. In his early school days, he always had a lot to talk with his friends about the new shows and mangas as they grew up he found that the topic of interests of his classmates has shifted to others while he still remained the same.
He had become an outcast among his peers, not because they hated him and purposely avoided him but because he had always rejected their offer for gatherings and activities so they just stopped asking and subconsciously he was forgotten.
He found no problem with that and went deeper into his world of fantasy. He found daily life boring and always dreamt of being transmigrated to another word and fight gods and demons. He was so lost in his delusions of things he would do if he was transmigrated that he barely passed high school and got into a passable university.
If it wasn't for his parents who exhausted all their connections and finally found him a fairly decent job he would have skirted through life doing odd jobs here and there. It was here that he finally started growing up.
His superiors were very strict with him and didn't allow him to slack off, pretty soon he was so busy that he couldn't read his daily novels or watch his shows. The time he spent on them become pretty small from daily to once a week to once a month and finally all that remained was had finished collections and forgotten watch lists.
when he became 28 his parents became unhappy with his status as a single and arranged a date for him which to his surprise went really well. Finally, he had a good job and perhaps even a girlfriend, all things he never imagined he would ever have, he was beginning to think maybe real life is not so bad after all.
That's hen tragedy struck. He had just gotten ready for his second date with the girl his parents had arranged, there was a smile on his face and a spring in his step as he walked out the door. Thas all he could remember and then he blacked out.
Ding...The system has exited hibernation, restarting....successful.
searching for souls to bond to........completed.
Initiating bonding to nearest soul........successful.
Reassigning soul as host........successful.
Testing world conditions for system growth......complete.
The world is not suitable for growth lacks any suitable power system.
Initiating plan 34-B.....Preparing for jump... Set parameter power reference =W... randomize all else.
jump in 3.....2...1.... jump successful.
Searching for compatible body.....successful.
Initiate soul injection....successful.
Assessing body condition.....completed.
The body is severely damaged ...cannot sustain life ......began the repair.
When Zhao Feng got conscious again he was greeted with a series of sounds, as he listened closer he understood what had happened. He was all too familiar with this sort of development, he Zhao Feng after all these years of wishing and dreaming had transmigrated when he had finally let go of that dream and started living in reality.
He felt no anger or happiness from this instead all he felt like doing was laughing at himself, he finally had his wish fulfilled after he had let go of it. He had at one point told himself he would give up anything to leave his life and be a protagonist and now he finally got his wish but he didn't feel happy.
So he started laughing very loudly, at himself at the world and everything. He couldn't hear him elf at first but then slowly he began to hear it faintly, he felt like his voice had changed but soon that unfamiliar voice stopped and all he could hear was his own laughter.
Feelings slowly started to return to his own body starting from his face. He felt like something was on his face and his hand unconsciously moved to grab it he didn't know what it was, soon there was light shining on his eyes and he saw a vague outline in front of him which quickly moved away and he felt like he heard the scream of a woman.
He was too busy laughing at his situation that he didn't notice any of these. As he kept laughing he began to feel his body again and pain shot up to his brain and the laughter stopped. He was feeling unimaginable pain from al, over his body, he felt like he had been ripped apart by a group of wild dogs and left for dead.
Unable to handle the pain soon he started screaming loudly. His entire body was in pain and it felt like worms were crawling all over his body. He wished he would pass out from the pain but he didn't, all he could do was scream loudly to alleviate some of it he couldn't even move his body from the pain.
After what felt like a lifetime the pain finally started to lessen and it completely faded away. He laid on his back panting heavily with his hands in his chest. his face was covered with snot, tears, and saliva. his entire body had patches of dried blood and his clothes were ripped apart and in patches. And his legs were covered in his urine and other stuff.
But he had no time to notice any of that as he had still not mentally recovered from this trauma, he had a stuffy feeling in his chest and started gaging. He tried to sit up but was unsuccessful, so he rolled onto his stomach with much difficulty and manage to lift himself up a little before he started vomiting blood. He finally couldn't take it anymore and collapsed down and fainted.
After some time had passed he regained consciousness. He could feel that the pain had considerably lessened everywhere and his body was just sore from lying down. He turned around on his back and stayed there. He then started laughing this time it was not one of mocking but ou happiness he was just happy that he was alive after what he had gone through. He calmed his breath and called out loudly.
"Hey, there come out. I know you are there. I demand an explanation."
He knew that he had a system as vaguely remember hearing things when he was going through that ordeal. He waited for a response, he got nothing so he called again.
"I'm talking to you, you damned system." this time he got a response.
"Hello host, I have currently used a large amount of power to repair your body so I will be resting for 2 days. kindly don't disturb me. He a good day. Ding"
Zhao Feng had black lines all over his face, he knew that system must have spent a great deal of energy in 'repairing his body' as the pain he suffered through was enough to prove what condition the body must have been in before but what pissed him off was that the system said at the end.
The bloody system really said 'Ding' it was not a sound effect but the system really said it out aloud. Just like how a person would read 'Ding' when written down. He decided to deal with that later and decided to examine his own condition first.
He found he was in an area with trees and there was a blue mist all around. It was night time but the moonlight helped him see.
He was surprised at the state his body was in, hews covered in pieces of bloody rags, there was dried blood all over his body. Most of his clothing fell off when he slowly stood up all that remained were some pieces that stuck to him due to the dried blood.
He looked at where he had been laying down and was surprised to see the amount of blood there, the entire ground had a giant red patch the size of his body, there were even some pieces of flesh and innards there which he was sure were his. He couldn't take it any longer and began vomiting again.
He could vaguely remember seeing a figure the first time he opened his eyes, maybe that was the beast that had killed and eaten the original owner of the body before the system decided to borrow it.
He also found a bloody bag which was a little heavy, inside it were strange coins which he assumed was this world's money, though he didn't know how much it was worth he was sure it was a lot going by the weight of the bag. Finding this bag also made him assured that he was really killed by a beast and nit some human as otherwise, they would have taken the money.
After looking around some more he also found a small circular disc the size of his palm he thought it was a rock at first but it was glowing faintly so he picked it up thinking it was interesting. He knew that he was not deep in the forest as the trees were not that dense and loosely placed. He found the largest piece of cloth from the floor and tied it around his waist. He looked around again to make sure that he hadn't missed anything and walked in the direction where the trees were thinning out.