'The Billions' War' is what everyone calls it. It was a war that took billions of people lives. It destroyed cities and made thriving countries disappear.
Scientists have estimated that humans only have 60 years before this planet becomes a wasteland. The single option humanity has at survival is outer space, hoping there are other planets habitable for humans.
"Those f***ers warmongers! Only ten years are left!" Lila yelled as she munched on some chips. Her life will be short, even with the remaining countries building ships; there is still not enough room to support the millions left on this planet. Which means people will be left behind, case in point, me.
With the survival of the human race at stake, the government requires every child to enter into military schools. There they are taught everything from military combat to botany.
Those who show outstanding achievements in these fields are given automatic seats on the ships. For those at the bottom, they are left waiting for availability, which and is case in point, my predicament.
"Cursing in public..? Who across you?" Lila looked up as Kara walked over with groupies snickering behind her back.
Looking at the group standing before her, Lila couldn't help but sigh. Kara's personality has always been one to attract people, Lila too had once been one of those people until she saw the real Kara.
Kara's 'good girl' mask is so perfect, she'll have chopped you up, cooked you and ate before you even knew you were in trouble.
Plus with everyone believing she is a genius, Kara was living at the top of the pyramid.
Every time Lila would think would this, a rage like no other would rise in her heart.
From the time Lila was found at the orphanage's doorsteps, she has been sickly. Much weaker and smaller than everyone else of her age, Lila had to spend the majority of her childhood staying inside the orphanage or the hospital.
And the only person who spent time with her during those times was Kara.
From kindergarten to the beginning of high school this friendship continued as Lila couldn't leave the hospital until she turned fifteen that is.
Her first time walking into school, Lila was welcomed to stares and whispers. Never having been in that kind of social environment before, she felt overwhelmed. The only person she knew and thought she could depend on was Kara.
Inside the classroom, Kara was sitting off to the side, enveloped by a group of students. Sees her only friend, Lila didn't hesitate to walk over, but before she could even get close two female students blocked her way.
"What do you want!? Can't you see, Kara is busy." One of the two girls shoved Lila, and she fell to the floor.
"It's bad enough that Kara has to spend time caring of you and tutoring you at the orphanage, but now you want her to do it at school too, seriously!" The other girl grumbled underneath her breath.
All the while this was happening Kara sat in the back ignoring the commotion as if she didn't hear a word.
Lila who didn't understand what was going on was given a rude awakening when she met with her homeroom teacher for the first time. All these years Kara had been stealing her work and replacing it with her own!
Soon rumors swirled around school that Lila has been leeching off of Kara's brilliance since childhood.
Of course with Lila having not attended schooling before that day, everyone naturally believed the lies. Still, till this day the rumors stay with Lila. Everyone saw Kara as the genius and Lila as the dunce.
This is why to is day Lila hasn't received a seat on one of those ships.
"Hey! Can't you hear...? What were you cursing for?" One of Kara's dogs asked, bring Lila out of her past.
The girl standing in front of her is one of Kara's most loyal dogs, Lila dub her Tweedle Dumber.
"A thief," Lila spoke in cold detach voice, looking straight at Kara.
Kara shuddered, while Tweedle Dumber's twin sister, Tweetle Dimwit, asked if she called the police.
"...no, it's been too many years since the initial robbery." Under the weight of Lila's eyes, Kara felt pressure pulling her down.
Sweat broke out along her forehead, feeling short of breath Kara was about to yell for mercy when Lila concentration was broken by Tweetle Dimwit putting her hand in Lila's bag of chips.
"WTF! Are you crazy!? You never touch a woman's snacks!" Lila slapped the offensive hand from her bag.
With the spell lifted, Kara took a big breath of air. She looked back at Lila wondering where did that pressure come from. Looking at Lila again, she felt nothing, like it was all in her head.
"Was it my imagination?" Kara thought as she stared at Lila's petite figure.
"You can't even share one snack? Tou have a whole bag full of snacks!" Tweedle Dumber pointed out as she tried to comfort her sister at the same time.
"Yes, I have snacks. Why should I share with you?"
"Lila, why do you have to be this way?" Recovered from her shock, Kara chose this moment to reaffirm her gentle image to everyone.
"We as humans must learn to give when others are in need," Kara spoke to around of nodding heads and gracious smiles.
"Oh yeah? Well, I'm lack of a golden ticket, care to give to a person in 'need'...?" Lila held out her hand in front of a frozen Kara.
"You actually think that you deserve a ticket." Tweetle Dimwit laughed successfully taking the attention off of an awkward Kara.
"Lila, you can't take other people's hard earned work. Kara's ticket was personally given to her by the Commander General himself..."
Kara bent her head down, making people believe she was shy from Dimwit's praises, but in reality, she was horribly embarrassed by Dimwit. What is the sense in praising the thief in front of its victim?
"Enough, Ji Biyu..." Kara put a gentle hand on Ji Biyu shoulder, drawing her back from Lila.
"...if things could be changed I would gladly give you my ticket, but unfortunately they can't. We must all live with the life fate has given us." The last part was whispered so softly, Lila wouldn't have heard it if Kara wasn't standing so close to her.
Turning around to face her friends, Kara offered to buy them all snacks as an apology on Lila's behalf.
"We grew up together we were once friends can't we be like that again, Lila?" Kara extended her hand out for Lila to take.
Lila would have liked nothing more than to have her old friend back, but she wanted the past Kara, not this one who stood before her.
"No, because I'm not like you. I can't pretend..." Lila turned her back on the outstretched hand.