The Plot Thickens

Mika laid on the dirt floor of a solitary room with one window and one door. It's been one full day since she been imprisoned. Within those hours she had been torturously interrogated by the elders. The torture technique of the Amara clan, left her skin bruised and cut all over. Still, she persisted in her innocence. Which left them no choice but to up their interrogation intensity.

Saavi had tried to deliver food and water to her on numerous occasions, but the guards always refuse her entry. They allowed no one to give her food or water until she admitted to the crimes against her.

Mika knew the wives planned her crimes, she wonders if they would wait for father to come back or would they rush the sentencing. If she can hold on for just a little while longer, she can prove her innocence. Right now without father, no one will listen to her.

"Miss...miss" Saavi whispers from the windows stole Mika's attention from her thoughts.


"Yes, miss. I have urgent news. I overheard Lady Jaelah talking. They plan on punishing you before Lord Mano can make it back. Miss...said you team up with the male to sell the stolen goods and made plans to steal from the clan finances....they...they want to flog you then sent to you the outskirts in exile." Saavi voice broke at the end.

"....Do you know when they plan to do it?" Mika prayed she would have an extra day. Today was the fifth day, father said he'll be back tomorrow.

"They....they said later on the night."

"Damn it!..." *cough* *cough* Mika's wishful thinking was just that, wishful thinking.

Mika sat on the dirt floor of her prison. What she needed most right now was time.


"Did that maid go tell Mika what we said?" Lady Jaelah sat in front of her mirror touching up her make up.

"Yes, mother. I made sure she was right where we wanted her to be." Lulu proudly reported her contributions.

"Good...right now Mika must be going crazy."

Both Kamryn and Lady Jaelah shared a laugh as their plot was coming together perfectly. The only one who didn't understand the whole picture was Lulu.

"Mother...I don't understand why you gave Saavi false information. The elders agreed to let Mika go. Won't she realize she not being punished when the elders release her tonight." Kamryn shook her head at her sister simple thinking.

"Lulu...What would you do if you just needed one day more day to save yourself but aren't given it? Would you be willing to give up, or will you fight for that last day?.."

"I would fight for that day...I would even escap-....oh!"

"Yes, now you get it. With Mika thinking she going to be exiled, she will plan her escape. When Mika tries to escape the elders will think she is guilty and bring her back to prison...."

"Good, she should rot there!" Lulu laughed.

"Shhh..." Kamryn reminded her sister of her volume. Right now everything has to go as planned. If not, this plan will backfire badly back to them. They had already destroyed the shuttle and had the maid silenced. All they needed now was to crush Mika wings.

"Sorry,...but mother why didn't you just push the elders to punish Mika; instead of doing all these extra steps?..." Lulu thought it was a waste of time. Couldn't they just punish Mika directly, her crimes were made clear in front of everyone?

"Lulu...If you can use another person's hands to do the dirty work, then you are leaving yourself a way out... We can't be involved with Mika's punishment. By letting the elders handle this problem we free ourselves of being the instigators, understand?"


"Lulu,... our goal is not to get Mika exiled. Our plan is to clip Mika's wings before they fully grow...."

Lady Jaelah walked into her bedroom, Kamryn and Lulu followed. Going underneath her bed to a hidden compartment, Lady Jaelah pulled out a chest. In the chest are all things Lady Jaelah has collected over the years. Forbidden things that if anyone found out, the least of her worries would be banishment.

Kamryn never saw this chest before, when did her mother have time to buy all this stuff. Some of this stuff would call for the death of the whole clan.


"Shhh...Kamryn. I know better than you do what having this stuff means."

"Mother...what is this stuff?..." Lulu not realizing the tense atmosphere of her mother and sister, picked up a hairpin. "Oh! can I have this..."

Lady Jaelah turned to see Lulu about to put the pin in her hair.

"Put that down right now!..." Slapping Lulu's hands, the hairpin dropped to the floor.

Lulu looks at her mother with a grievance, " just a hairpin, right? why can't I have it?..."

"Lulu this isn't just a hairpin, that wearer of this hairpin will lose all their hair forever...." Lady Jaelah carefully picked up the hairpin from the floor.

Hearing her mother's words, Lulu grabs her hair in both hands.

"Mother...why do you have such a thing...?"

"Lulu, all the items in this chest are back up plans. From the time I was still with my mother's family, I've learned you can never have enough cards in your hands..."