
Looking around, Kaze realized that there were no guards patrolling here. Finding it odd, Kaze walked further into the garden, hoping to find some clues.

In the back gardens, Kaze saw the back gate was wide open, and a group of different clothed men was standing guard. Drawing the shadows closer around himself, Kaze stood still listening in trying to catch some information from their conversation.

"When can we start killing? This place looks rich! We could probably get a fortune from here..." A young man leaning against the gate dor said as he turned to look back at the multiple residences inside the Udava clan.

"Soon...Did you take care of that body?" Asked an older man who seemed to be in charge of this group of men,

When Kaze heard "body", his mind automatically thought of Joanos. Moving in a little closer, he slowed his breathing and erased his presence as much as he possibly could to hear the young man's words.

"Yeah...I threw him into the barn like the maid said to do..."