Drained (3)

Vanya walked back to Tasar's office with Kerala in tow, trying to keep from the eyes of the clan members. While Kendel headed back towards to back gardens where his men stayed.

During this time, Lord Tasar had found steward Durlan and the elders. Telling them of the situation, and he gave out orders to secure the clan's estate.


"Kaze what should we do, many people are gathering over here!?" Saavi and Kaze were looking out the office windows, looking at the members and soldiers coming this way.

Turning his head, Kaze took a peek at Mika. She was still sitting in the same position that they left her in over a half hour ago.

"How long did it take Miss Mikaela to heal Lord Tasar?" Kaze asked Saavi.

"A little over an hour...I think." Saavi couldn't be too sure, at that time she was too panic to keep track of the time.

"Okay, then we just need to hold the office for another half an hour..."

"Half an hour...?"
