Unfortunate Events (3)

As Mika and Yumsa were busy looking for the old Vlacca clan estate, Braeden was hunting down the small clan leaders who escaped inside the city.

"Over there! Get them!" Braden spotted two leaders running farther into the city.

Braeden had picked up his bow and arrow to shoot, but with everyone running around a cloud of ash soon blurred his vision. Who knew that after thousands of years, the city would still be covered in so much ash and soot making it difficult for them to breathe, let alone catch these men.

"Sir, we were able to catch four of them, but I think the rest fled farther into the city."

Coming to the same conclusion, Braeden order half of his men to stay behind and led the rest farther into the city.


The sun was now high in the sky, and Mika had been walking since early this morning looking for the clues.

Every ruin they searched, held nothing but deteriorated walls and dry land. Not even coal could be found in these places.