New Start (2)...

When Mika reached the table, she found Saavi and Braeden having a drunk argument about her and Ailwin.

Apparently, Braeden insulted Mika again, and Saavi reciprocated by insulting Ailwin.

Back and forth the two went, slurring their words all the while pouring more wine into their glasses after every drink.

"Shreaking fhort, lhe seeds sto glow shis stall befor lhe...san sarry lim!" (Freaking short, she needs to grow this tall before she can marry him!) Braeden lifted his right hand and pointed it at his left shoulder to indicate the prefect height Mika needs to grow to.

"Didiot! lhess redy shat stall! Hahaha..." (Idiot! She's already that tall! Hahaha...) Braeden forgot that he is still sitting down, so the height he wanted Mika to grow to she already passed it.

"Argh! Shat snot wha I meen! Stom slaughin! (Argh! That's not what I mean! Stop laughing!)