Gangs of Amara...

"You mean the thieves will come back...!" Pia was shocked by this revelation.

"En...and most likely they will try for the tree farm this time, seeing as they cleaned out almost everyone residences' already. Plus Sienna won't give up the money she has been making off of the stolen honey." Glazing the pastries with honey, Pia and Lyra put tonight's dessert into a separate oven.

"...then why did you think the thieves will turn on Miss Sienna? Wouldn't they profit more from working with her?"

"Right now there is a shortage of honey, and Sienna can't let them take too much, or Mano and the authorities will be alerted. However, people with dishonorable means will see the tree farm as money to fill their own pockets...not Sienna's."

"What should we do? Do we tell the elders..." Pia stopped working, getting ready to deliver a message to the elders.


Pia stopped at the door and looked back at her mistress.

"No...?...but...the thieves..."